catalan independence 2020

You are right that to refer to the glaring anomalies in the UK is slightly off topic but I find the title of this piece ridiculous. Ignasi Bernat: Each party has a completely different strategy. In that sense, Catalan politics is still led by Madrid. This is the logic of the courts – they are the ones with the political authority. But I don’t see that. In two years when the EU funds end, a new period of austerity will arrive. Doses began on December 27, 2020, with authorities aiming to administer it to 70% of the... Pro-independence groups demand general pardon for "3,000 victims of reprisals," including jailed... Leader of anti-austerity Podemos quits Pedro Sánchez’s coalition government, Agreement sees Socialists, ERC, JxCat, CUP, and CatECP refuse to work or cooperate with Vox. You need to say: ‘If there is no referendum, we are not going to allow the re-production of capital, so you choose’. Culturally, Spanish hegemony continues to suppress the culture of the peripheries. So what have you obtained? PP with VOX and Ciudadanos – this is obvious, it is a matter of time. Ben Wray: From the perspective of the Scottish independence movement, what’s the key lessons to learn from the Catalan experience? We don’t take any advertising, we don’t hide behind a pay wall and we don’t keep harassing you for crowd-funding. In some ways, you might argue that the South of Europe has been colonized by capitalists from the North (and America too obviously). Ben Wray, our European Feature Writer interviews Ignasi Bernat and David Whyte, co-editors of ‘Building a New Catalonia: Self-Determination and Emancipation’, published by Bella Caledonia and Pol-Len Edicions. To label the entire country of Spain post fascist is a little insensitive and offensive and, as I say, why haven’t the Left in Scotland come up with a similar term for Britain? For more detalis, see Read more, Officials currently do not know if the death and inoculation are related, See how outbreak has evolved since February 25, 2020, No mobility restrictions between Catalan counties from March 15, Doses began on December 27, 2020, with authorities aiming to administer it to 70% of the population by end of year, Loosening of Covid-19 restrictions announced as pandemic stabilized in Catalonia, Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights also want eviction of Sant Andreu family suspended. Some good lessons there for us, particularly: ‘The struggle does not accelerate in such a linear way. The question is: why didn’t it happen? Ignasi Bernat: Out of the pro-independence parties of the left, EH Bildu (the Basque left independence party) and Esquerra Republicana (the Catalan centre-left independence party) have a different strategy to CUP (the radical left pro-independence catalan party). But they also say we need to get the support of ‘the international community’ to acknowledge the referendum, but does this mean Germany, does it mean the EU, does it mean Nobel Prize winners? Ignasi Bernat: It is going to be very complicated to have a government. That almost happened following the 2017 referendum, but unfortunately that only occurred momentarily because it’s not clear that Esquerra and Junts per Catalunya really wanted to push for independence, because they demobilised the situation. None of this has deterred Catalan voters, who ever since the 2017 referendum crisis have continued to back pro-independence parties in just as large numbers as before election after election. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Ignasi Bernat: The situation is difficult because people were tired after the mass protests against the imprisonment of the Catalan leaders in October 2019, and now we have had the pandemic and people’s priorities are elsewhere. So all the fields of struggle interact with one another. This is the politics of Spanish nationalism in Catalonia today. We'd like to use cookies for your visit to our site in order to help inform our ongoing optimisation of the user experience. Added to that, it’s important to recognise that Catalonia has a very embedded grassroots movement, which is partly connected to mainstream politics, but is not reliant on that. Then we have Esquerra which says we need to have more support, and once we have a big majority the Spanish state will be forced to recognise the referendum. The lesson of Catalonia is really that social power has to be brought into the picture. The arrest warrant procedure, issued by the Spanish Supreme Court, was suspended in January 2020 when the separatist leaders took their seats as MEPs. The same with ‘Tsunami Democratic ‘[during the 2019 protests]: they occupied the airport for one week, a very powerful pressure on capital, the Spanish state had a real problem economically, and then they demobilised the movement. Ben Wray: What is the mood in the Catalan independence movement at the moment? Support for independence parties and support for union parties overall remains quite stable since the 2017 referendum crisis. I see it more likely in the next two years to have an occupy movement based around social demands than a big independentist movement, but who knows. How very British of you to entirely ignore the enormous democratic deficit of Britain’s medieval political institutions and turn to youth unemployment in the South of Europe instead. The independence left needs a strategy to break that attempt to build a cultural divide. At the same time, Deloitte is being contracted by the Spanish corporations for assistance in how to access the funds. And in the context of managing the pandemic, which is very difficult, I can see very few governments which are going to be strengthened in this time in terms of popularity. But in Spain there is a strong republican tradition, there is nothing like that in Britain I can see…. The EU, at least, has spent billions of euros on development funds which have done something to improve the infrastructure. Ben Wray: It appears as if the only electoral movement is within the pro-independence and pro-union blocs, not between them. Statement lashes out at “destructive” attitude of Spain toward Kosovo ever since declaring... Eye-watering levels of debt, the ageing squad, the future of Leo Messi, and club infrastructure... From indie hits to startup successes, the gaming sector has exploded in recent years. Required fields are marked *. Your email address will not be published. You can read more about this in our, Re-assessing Post-Fascist Spain and the Catalan and Scottish Independence Movements, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window). These high rates seem to be more manageable in Spain than they would be in Britain because Spain is a much more family oriented society I would argue. I’m confident that could happen in Scotland too. A court in Cataluña has said the Catalan independence politicians must go back to prison after a judge overturned a previous ruling. Although Esquerra and Junts have ended this Catalan coalition government very badly, I cannot see any other possibility for forming a government. I see the movement very weak right now. US firm quit Catalan capital after government passed legislation to regulate sector. Q: The concept of ‘lawfare’ was coined in the US but it has also been used to describe the politics of the Spanish state, whereby the judiciary is utilised as a political weapon. And at least the Spanish film and tv industry doesn’t spend millions making endless films and tv shows which suck up to the royals, unlike the British film industry, where anything related to the monarchy will easily get financed so long as it doesn’t tell the ghastly truth about the whole corrupt gig and those corgies ..including people like Stephen Frears who you really might expect better from…. FILE - In this Monday Jan. 13, 2020 file photo, Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont reacts during a press conference at the European Parliament in … However, a Belgian court earlier this year rejected Spain's attempt to extradite the former Catalan deputy Lluís Puig, who was also wanted for his role in the 2017 independence bid. David Whyte: The question that’s faced in Scotland is a similar one to the Catalan independence movement, which is basically: how are you going to build the capacity to hold a referendum that isn’t totally reliant on the state? To make the conflict into cultural things, make it about the language, to develop the idea that: ‘ah you have a Spanish surname therefore you are the son of a Spanish migrant, so you have to vote for unionism’; ‘you don’t speak Catalan at home, so you cannot vote for them’. What are the latest Covid-19 measures in Catalonia? And much less classist. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! This ongoing criminalisation of protest continues even in the context of a PSOE-PODEMOS government. Some of the independence parties in the Basque Country and Catalonia have been willing to do deals with this coalition sometimes, including in passing the Spanish budget in December. It’s place in the international system is as a tourist resort and more generally, the services industry, or else, a place of migrant labour. And in terms of the state itself, the politicisation of courts, the highly political role of the constitutional monarchy and the violence of the police are largely untouched legacies of the dictatorship era. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. They could also create tax free zones for under 40 year old entrepreneurs in the so called Espana Vacia, or Empty Spain, the rural interior of the country which suffers from depopulation like the highlands in Scotland. They have been in jail for three years and there appears even less chance of a pardon now than when Sánchez took power. He never did a press conference during the pandemic, he always sent his epidemiologist, Fernando Simon, who never gets nervous, always seems relaxed, so he has done well in the pandemic from the communicative point of view, even though the management has been a disaster in Spain. (Bloomberg/Angel Garcia) Catalan separatist parties won a majority in … What do you propose to do about it? 3 of 12 4 of 12 FILE - In this Jan. 28, 2020 file photo, Catalonia's ex-regional vice-president Oriol Junqueras speaks at the Parliament of Catalonia in Barcelona, Spain. We’re entirely dependent on our readers to support us. Ignasi Bernat: PSC is taking the role of Ciudadanos (centre-right Spanish nationalist party) in the previous Catalan election, where they are taking the mainstream vote in support of the Spanish state. If we sustain the airport occupation for 10 days, or a general strike for one week, then the state will be forced to have a Scottish 2014 style referendum. David Whyte: And that makes sense for a left coalition that wants to stay in power, because they can articulate that: ‘Our priority is dealing with inequality, our priority is dealing with the economic crisis, not with these legal issues.’. They could introduce a universal income too. The South of Europe is at a structural disadvantage to the North. 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