crazy travel stories

I have TSA Precheck but have learned it’s just easier to pull it out of my purse into a bin and it won’t ever get questioned. Bob Marley let out a grunt of disapproval, and we rode off. In the morning, we found more mouse damage — a leaking barrel of water had soaked half of our things, and the mouse had eaten through my headphones. This was fine while lying on my front but then came the fateful word: Yep, this was when I found myself having my boobs massaged by a total stranger! Commercial airline travel takes us far, far out of our comfort zone. From Zero to Kilimanjaro, the Highest Peak of Africa, We learned our lesson in Seville’s bull ring, Off the beaten path in Baños – My Maybe Drug Experience in Ecuador. I couldn’t understand what the confusion was. My mom was more resolute and tried to have a conversation with the staff — note here that we’re Polish, and she can genuinely only say a few words in Spanish. Sunset Destination Hostel in Lisbon – Swimming Pool and Bar on a Roof Top? Here is one of my most interesting travel experience stories. I couldn’t find rope anywhere. Looking around the vicinity, we did see a castle-looking building in the distance, but it seemed way too fancy for a luncheon. I thought I knew all that there was to know about Russian banyas — until I found myself in Moscow, lying naked and sweating to death on a table in front of 12 other naked women of varying ages, who were all strangers to me, getting flogged with a couple of birch branches by a kind but very strong woman named Olga. Moreover, this site uses cookies to help provide you with the best possible experience. For the rest of the trip, we drove with all of the windows open. We’d worn our underwear because we actually thought we were just getting a pleasant back massage like in the UK. At that moment, the battery died. Thankfully, not in our case, but it doesn’t get much better. Except for that day, it was sliced peaches, and I felt like I let them down. We drove up to the visitor’s center to get directions to where the bison were at the moment, but we couldn’t get out of the car. My body was thoroughly shocked after that! I couldn’t wait to hang it up, and there was a perfect pair of trees on the grounds of the apartment-hotel where we were staying. Now they believed me, and we set off on a mission to rid the mouse from the car. Suddenly, the one native Spanish speaker in the car spoke up from the back: “Umm, I’m assuming you’re not meaning to tell the driver you’re horny, right?”. All of this while in our everyday underwear! I guess that should have been my first warning. For even more beautiful travel stories, check out the following books: How not to travel the world; A Thousand New Beginnings; Tales of a Female Nomad: Living at Large in the World The next morning we were packing up our stuff to go on that day’s safari when our guide casually asked if we had heard the lions the night before. Luckily for us, the moment we locked the car on the agency parking while waiting for the service was the last time the car key-pilot worked. With those, I finally succeeded in getting that hammock hung. 7 were here. We couldn’t get off that bus fast enough. (Note: read this story very quickly in an excited tone and it sounds more exciting… hmm maybe I should make a podcast of this…) Looking for more interesting travel stories? When we got close enough to see what was so exciting, we realized that there were two teenage-looking steers fighting with their horns locked! From Hanoi, we could have either taken a bus, a train, or a rental car up to Sapa. What was I supposed to do with that?! It turned out that a little bit of liquid had escaped from the bag with fresh shrimps the evening before. Plus, would Christelle really be having her luncheon at a city hall? I disrobed and lay face down on the table as I normally would. !”, I got a similar gaze from Jakub, who nervously asked, “Are you sure?”. We will tell you and show you some really interesting stories about travel A few years ago I had a wonderful trip to Andalucia, Spain, together with my family. !” a colleague asked surprised. The mouth of that thing was the size of a thumb. It had pictures of smiling women in the window that I supposed were the various massage therapists. We decided our next step was to go to Walmart for traps. She disappeared into a dark room and quickly returned with another woman who asked me something in Chinese. When I typed it into Google, it came up as being a city hall. The day after the wedding, we set off from our hotel to the small village of Montcourt-Fromonville to attend a luncheon for close friends and family. When: 2013. However, we’d been strongly warned not to go out by ourselves. “My travel roommate on a three-week exploration of the south of France was a closet drinker who started with wine at breakfast and was trashed by 4 p.m. every day. I must have gone to five hardware stores. “Stephanie, you have never climbed a mountain in your life, never, My very first backpacking trip by myself started in Malaga, Spain. I popped into the shop to look for car fresheners. The next day was Monday. But, The Russian mafia had a gun pointed at the owner. For this anecdote, which is part funny travel story and part horror travel story, you’ll have to watch the video below: By the way, if you like crazy and funny travel story videos like this one, make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel and hit the bell icon so you get notified when future videos publish. As I turned bright red, I decided I didn’t really need the window open and would just sit in silence and try to disappear by melting in the car seat. Before the last day, we headed to the gas station. Olga hit/massaged almost every square inch of my body with the branches. Whoops! We did get a blanket, though, and settled in for the night on our uncomfortable beds. I'm a disaster but these humorous stories (almost) beat mines! We never send spam. The stories below will freak you out so it's best to read these with someone. This didn’t turn out to be a very good idea. I work for a budget airline. She pinched her nose, made a telling gesture, and said “car fish caput.” The service guy started to laugh but he luckily understood her. So when we go on vacation we never consider that our expectations could be changed because of the weather. If you’re looking for funny adventure stories that are also a bit scary — or even travel disaster stories — this one is for you. Massages and spas are supposed to be tranquil, soothing, and calming. Trouble is usually found when I get feisty. No robes, no doors… just all kinds of naked. Travel blog about two crazy Dutch who share their story about working online and traveling year-round. Filed Under: ADVENTURE, Crazy Travel Stories, EUROPE, Iceland, TRAVEL. I knew when I signed up for this that I would likely have to be naked for this flogging — I had done it before in a private bathhouse; however, this was my first time in a public banya, and I didn’t expect to be on display for the rest of the banya goers while it was happening! Posted on … It wasn’t a great massage but certainly adequate. Welcome to my little slice of the web. Feeling her eyes upon us, we immediately left before further damage could be done with my limited French. The Pipe, Story of S. I stayed in a really nice hotel in the USA, and in the last morning before leaving I … The mouse, on the other hand, didn’t mind at all and, I can only imagine, quietly laughed at us. And because it was so early in the morning, the main office with the spare keys was still closed, and this guy was taking care of the parking only. In this collection, you’ll learn what it feels like to get chased by an angry elephant, and how exactly you escape the Russian Maffia…in Thailand! We approached a residential building nearby, thinking perhaps the luncheon was at someone’s personal residence there and snooped around a little bit. But, alas, the ghost of the dead shrimp was still there. After identifying the exact location, they told me that was a high-end brothel. Funny & Crazy Travel Stories On this page, I will outline some of the funniest and craziest things that have happened to me in foreign countries. Otherwise, I’m not sure how much bad French I would have had to stumble through before finding the luncheon! I rubbed my shoulders with kneading fingers pantomiming a massage. To my delight, it was time to get up to watch the sunrise. We almost passed out. But what happens when you try to have a relaxing spa experience in another country without doing your research? The 5 MOST HILARIOUS Things To Do In Zimbabwe (But Scary Too!) 2021-03-12 10:30:08 10 minutes ago ; Views 3,458; By: gus1thego; A + A-50. That’s a lot of spa stories. The truth came out the next morning, though. Oh, and it's totally FREE! This journey brought new hope to our struggle. Quite luxurious, I must say. Before exploring the city of love, I wandered into a nearby park to enjoy some long-awaited down time. It sounded like a bellow and was followed by a very awful smell. I tried to get my pee emergency into the Google Translate conversation, with no luck. That’s one way of describing my anxiety before jumping out a plane at 15,000 feet. I remembered I had seen what appeared to be a massage parlor a few blocks from where I was staying, and I walked over. Now I thought I was good to go. Do your research. Health and safety weren’t major considerations, and it was certainly a far cry from the safaris we did in South Africa, Tanzania, and Botswana. They finally settled for a 50% reduction and we paid with the wet notes from our wallet. Category Archives: Crazy Travel Stories Bad Weather Makes the Best Stories. We’ve collected many crazy travel stories for you to divulge in, from travelers across the world! Crazy travel stories of arrests, accidents, scams, robberies, misplaced love & everyday madness by a nomad across the planet, since 1988. There, stationed just outside the tent where my husband and I had spent the night, was Bob Marley, Jimi Hendrix, and the entire caravan. During one such trip, after a few days of being lazy on the beach and spending way too much time walking the boardwalk, we decided to go for a drive. Hope to see you in Morocco for an excellent adventure trip. So, she gave up and just started pulling me and moving my naked body parts to where they needed to be — much to the amusement of everyone in the banya, who were not shy about their giggles! My top 5 crazy travel stories. And she was a nasty drunk. Best Hostel Chains in Europe & the World (+ Promo Code for Selina Hostels), Smartest Hostel Packing List in 2021 – 23 Clever Things to pack (+ Free download), Hostels from A to Z – All you need to know about Hostels, 62 Things to Do in London for FREE (+ useful Tricks to spend much less), 77+ Cool and Unusual Things To Do in Barcelona (to impress your friends back home! I stumbled out of our tent, grabbed a glass of freshly-brewed mint tea, and dragged my sleepy body out of the Bedouin camp. The Scariest Travel Night Of My … Our plan was to enjoy a scenic drive on Highway 1 and maybe try some key lime pie and head back, but the day turned out to be more memorable than that. The mouse quickly disappeared, and I was left trying to get the rest of the group to believe me. Shortly after arriving in the small village, we happened to pass Christelle’s family gathered in a small parking lot. An Unexpected Fall Into Crocodile-Infested Waters, make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel, try to have a relaxing spa experience in another country. Then we were taken to a room where straightaway we could see a woman being rubbed down while completely naked. Crazy Travel Stories We’ve collected many crazy travel stories for you to divulge in, from travelers across the world! We wanted to watch the fighting because it was so entertaining — and not what we were expecting — but we learned that it was a mistake when one almost knocked the other into our car. The car agency representative wasn’t able to open the car. This was it. Hi, I'm Eva! You guessed it — I needed to pee pretty bad by about 3 am. Luckily, as soon as we set off we spotted loads of elephants — and even hippos — along the shoreline. These short funny travel stories are sure to make you laugh! To highlight those instances where you'll want (or need) travel insurance, I've teamed up with SafetyWing travel insurance to share some of my craziest travel adventure stories. Visit: Scoot your butt down further!”. There are many beautiful things about Cuba, perhaps the best one being the peoples’ resilience and creativity in solving problems and getting by without having access to the things we take for granted. I am not the Jason Bourne of pee-aiming. 10 CRAZY Travel Stories From 10 COUNTRIES! But hey, when it comes to learning a language while traveling, embarrassing mistakes can certainly be a great teacher. The biggest difference, though, is that a “banya” has high levels of humidity in it, while a sauna will have dry air. Amazingly nobody had been hurt and we were very thankful to the local fishermen. Then there was an unexpected bump and we were thrown out of the canoe. Two hours later, I was still wide awake — and freezing cold. Have a laugh with the bonus material! Bob Marley made direct eye contact with me, and I could swear I spotted a smug grin on his face.”. A soda bottle?! After dinner and some impromptu drumming around a bonfire, my husband and I retreated to our tent for a good night’s sleep. “Boys, we have a mouse in the car!” I screamed. Reply. CRAZY STORIES. You will find travel tips, travel guides, inspirational stories, next trip destinations, photos, videos, travel shopping, and much more. It also meant that I absolutely knew the hyenas were in the camp, right between me and the bathroom. I know from experience that many times things might feel strange in unfamiliar cultures, but once you dive in, chances are you’ll discover a wonderful new experience or location, or a delightful food you never tasted before. After some shock and stifled laughter, we cleaned it up with one of our blankets, had an extremely uncomfortable three more hours of travel, and finally pulled into Sapa. We wondered if we should stop, but they didn’t look settled, and Google Maps was continuing to direct us. In this video episode the guys talk about some of their crazy flight and airport stories!! We spent hours road tripping to the best places in this region and enjoying Spanish culinary delights like fresh seafood and delicious produce. Therefore, we completely unloaded our car. I like to travel the less touristy areas of the world like deserts and country sides and combine this with activities like horse riding or hiking. Piggy Goes to Market – Laos. After an hour the woman indicated the massage was over and gave me a cup of green tea. Nope, we hadn’t heard them. My method of avoidance came down to not drinking too much water during the day. Shared Share with; The location didn’t look exactly like the type of spa place I was familiar with. We rented a car for the day and drove to Key West. There was pasta everywhere! Of course, when we got there, no one was outside anymore. I’ve even included a video sharing about my strangest Couchsurfing experience! My husband fell asleep straight away, and so did the other people in our group — judging by the cacophony of snores that filled the air. Crazy Travel Stories. Everyone came into the office discussing their weekend. And then another groan, another unpleasant smell, and more loud chewing. It was a nicely-equipped van, with key-free unlocking, automatic doors, and a lot of space inside. The bus was still rocking and rolling down the Vietnamese highway. It’s all part of the experience! Because we are cheap, we decided to take the bus. A passenger is speaking to his daughter in front of us. Well, guess what the rangers had for dinner? Our camel ride started with me hanging upside down from the saddle with one foot in the air. The scenery was gorgeous and felt like we were driving over water. My younger brother and I decided to take a drive from Oklahoma City to the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge to see if we could get any photos of the bison herds that live there. Go to dinner with two sisters who don’t speak Spanish in Spain. Safari tourism hadn’t really taken off when we visited Malawi in 2010 during an overland trip through Africa. You never know when a shrimp decides to escape. Arriving at Liwonde National Park in the south of Malawi we were excited as we knew it was a great place to spot elephants. An Unpleasant Travel Experience With A Ghost Shrimp In Spain, 13. Fortunately, that video got lost or erased somehow before it was shared with the whole group. Asia Crazy Stories Video. As we walked away, I heard a voice behind us say, “Bonjour.”. This place helps you in finding a true escape plan from your daily routine. We were taken to a steam room where we were rubbed with mud in front of strangers and then asked to shower it off. You’re camping in the freaking Serengeti! Travel Bloggers Share Their Craziest Travel Stories: Molesting, Thieving Masseur in Uzbekistan by Lisa of TheHotFlashPacker. The moments that followed were a blur. It was also my first time at. He was trying to convert them to Christianity and met an unfortunate fate. This crazy travel story is about a dedicated Christian missionary who was set on traveling to the world’s most remote community in the middle of the Andaman Islands off the coast of India. And then finally we got to the massage part where we were separated and I was asked to strip completely naked. The next morning, we packed everything up and got ready to discover other parts of Death Valley, when suddenly a mouse jumped on my legs! From the window of the bus, I watch 3 guys drag - lift a squealing pig by the ears - into the ... Luxor – Egypt: An Ancient Beauty Amid … Always purchase full insurance. If you enjoy travel love stories, this trip tale from our honeymoon has a humorous twist. Actually, though, I had no idea what she was saying. 931 likes. Now, there are a lot of really awesome things about camping in the Serengeti: It’s a relatively affordable way to go on safari. Crazy travel stories from around the world - 4 short, funny & adventurous tales of sex, drugs, and disaster from my travels around the world. To get around, we rented a car from a recommended company. Turning around, I spotted a woman I had never seen in my life and wondered how I would explain our apparent snooping in French. During the trip, you share a car with four or five other people. Subscribe for FREE access to my library of fun blogging worksheets and learn how to get paid to travel more! Category Archives: Crazy Travel Stories. Absolutely petrified. A compilation of funny travel stories from the web! For the last year and a half, I've been living in Morocco and really getting to know this beautiful, diverse country. It was our last hope. File Under Embarrassing Travel Stories, 5. My brother turned to me disbelievingly. At one point, I was sitting in the front seat and it was getting really hot in the car. I went just behind the tent, right up to that hill, and did my thing. While visiting Sapa, Vietnam on our honeymoon, we had to fly into the large city of Hanoi. Last summer I was going through and the X-Ray guy says, “Hey! Many times when I got excited about hiking or exploring some foreign place rain was never on my mind. 21 Travel Horror Stories You'll Be Glad You're Not Telling, 12 India Travel Stories From The Crazy To The Inspiring, 52 Most Instagrammable Places in New York City. Flashing neon lights in blues and reds decorated the outside. I was super excited to ride a camel for the first time and spend a night in a Bedouin tent in the desert. These are purely for your entertainment to read and enjoy, and I hope you will find some inspiration to step out of your comfort zone and try new things! On the other hand, we understood the mouse. Everyone had a good laugh at my expense. It was 3:15 am, my bladder was bursting, and my new husband was trying to have a Google Translate conversation with the driver to figure out our booking. Cover your boobs! The Night I Almost DIED In Iceland. ... “As the bus ride progressed and the chicken bus going like crazy everyone sliding back and forth in every direction I noticed something weird. I'm a conscious solo traveler on a mission to take you beyond the guidebook to inspire you to live your best life through travel. A Massage In An Unexpected Place. We even have a favorite hotel by the beach that we always stay at. I used to go to a place called … And after a short while, he came to our car with a huge specialist atomizer and sprayed all the interior. At one point during this one-week trip, we opened the door of our car and were met with a horrendous stench. Well, by 3 am, I was desperate and cared less about the hyenas than about my bladder. There is no meter running and for good reason. Any beach really, though Miami holds a special place in our family’s hearts. Frustrated, we followed Google Maps back to the lovely castle-looking building. Little did I know that I was about to experience the longest and most unpleasant night of my life. And don’t wear underwear to a Moroccan hammam massage. I thought they were taking this goat further on their journey and I didn’t think about it past that. I Spy is a podcast where real spies tell stories about one mission they were a part of, most of them take place overseas so it has a bit of "travel" as well. Keen for even more entertaining and inspiring travel stories? The shiny object in the sky was not an unidentified flying object or alien craft but a weather blimp. On our trip to Morocco in 2015, my husband and I spent a couple of days in the Sahara Desert as part of a tour group. I, in fact, had to learn some of that craftiness myself. In the commotion, the driver also noticed there was a payment issue with our booking, which my now-awake husband was trying to figure out. After what felt like a never-ending night, I checked the time. So, I asked my friend if she wanted to go on an adventure. My husband and I were very confused. At about 3:00 am, I woke up and had to pee. Adult film star Austin Wolf … This is supposed to benefit your health and improve your immune system, and honestly, if you have someone who knows what they are doing, it does feel really good. Every crumb was removed. We couldn’t find any, unfortunately, but we did find some very ornery longhorn cows! But I’ll never forget the feeling in the pit of my stomach when I realized we could have been in a car accident where the longhorn hit us and not the other way around! It is one of the short funny travel stories that always come up when we talk about our trips. Project Pegasus and Andrew Basiago. There was a small group of about four longhorns gathered around watching something. We weren’t traveling with smartphones in those days so finding a reputable tour company was a bit hit and miss. Realizing my choices were non-existent, I tried to use the bottle. We were lucky enough to receive a car of a better standard than what we ordered. According to the story in Travel + Leisure, the company baggage handlers were photographed in various poses hugging and kissing random pieces of luggage as they were loaded onto the plane. Four years ago, I was traveling the Silk Road from east to west. Undeterred, I ventured back out and found some thicker cables. Flight attendant suspended after lavatory romp with porn star goes viral. Photo courtesy of Lindsey Puls. I worked in Beijing for many years. Per the invite, the destination was called Chateau de la Mairie de Montcourt-Fromonville, but there was no address associated with it. My Top 15 BEST TRAVEL EXPERIENCES – 2019. Really funny stories. Even further, we booked an overnight bus trip, so that we could save one night of accommodation booking. We absolutely did not want to be stuck getting out and having to be around them without the protection of a two-thousand-pound SUV separating us, so we drove off. :) // Privacy Policy. I worked in Beijing for many years. Posted on December 13, 2019. Just behind our tent were the dining cabin and a small hill. My Cab Driver hunting an Iguana for dinner – Panama Experience!

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