dofe residential requirements

– When people are a resident at a fresher’s week, they are generally resident at home (albeit that it might be a fairly new home!). This involves spending five days and four nights away from home on a shared activity Participants can be of any age, but all must be sharing the same activity. Some participants will complete a residential activity and may learn afterwards that they have completed one section of a Gold DofE programme, becoming inspired to take on the rest of their DofE. We might even throw in some outdoor activities too! With your team you will decide on an aim for your expedition. Your residential programmes will fulfil the requirements of the DofE Gold award, but they are open to any young person aged 16 - 25 years old. Yes, but it needs to be agreed with the Licensed Organisation/DofE Leader first. Revitalise placements are FREE – We reimburse up to £60 in travel expenses and your meals and accommodation are provided. We are delighted to support candidates in achieving their DofE Gold Award by offering an activity based residential experience. (FSC is an Approved Activity Provider for DofE). We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our site. While many participants will undertake their Residential section with a commercial AAP, they are not completing the residential … Sleeping arrangements will be in single sex dorms; you will need to bring your own bedding. How long to do the section. Expedition Section. We'll give you the skills and confidence to switch off the GPS and go where the wilderness takes you. While your DofE residential placement only needs to be for 4 nights; the minimum stay for residential volunteers with Revitalise is 7 nights, starting on Saturdays. Can a 12-day Kilimanjaro expedition count for a Residential section? All of our programs applicable across Bali • Ghana • India & Sri Lanka are certified in meeting your Residential requirements. Yes, as long as it meets DofE requirements and the five considerations of the Residential section. Based in Kendal, Sam Sykes operates D of E expeditions and residential courses for thousands of participants at all levels throughout the UK. Our residentials are open to any young person aged 16 to 25. DofE Residential programmes that have your enjoyment and learning at their heart. Read more about the different requirements of expeditions and residentials below. University core activities fall into this. You will need to form a team of 4 – 7 people (8 if you are doing your expedition in a tandem bike or canoe). We want your DofE residential to be fun and challenging. This is contrary to the rules around activity outside of the normal environment and nights away. This is set out on in The Handbook for DofE Leaders. Ideally this should be the following day if it would seriously impede the residential. In most cases stewarding is not a suitable activity; while it may meet some of the practical criteria, participants do not learn enough new skills or spend enough time working with a set group of people on a shared activity for it to count. See you after the pandemic! The residential activity should normally take place over at least five consecutive days with a minimum of four nights spent away. as set out in the Handbook. Residential Section If you’re going for your Gold DofE Award, you need to complete a Residential section. This also means that they must commit to full days of focused activities and stay in a separate camping area with the other volunteers, away from other festival goers. Can you complete a DofE residential with a commercial organisation? Residential 13 Guiding suggestions 13 Top tips 13 . What's on offer? This is because the social skills developed by interacting with people they don’t know are a vital part of the Residential experience. Complete your DofE training, residential or practice expeditions with us. The participant will need to agree this in advance with their LO before booking/attending the Residential activity to be sure that they can use this flexibility in their case. It must still meet all the usual requirements of not knowing the other people, not knowing the area and so on. DofE students have the option to go home at night to sleep. The DofE Award Scheme has introduced temporary flexibility for the Residential section whereby participants are able to go home to sleep overnight, please see further details on their website . 3 Girlguiding 2017 Registered charity number 306016 The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Introduction The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE) is a voluntary, non-competitive programme of activities for anyone aged 14 to 24. Duke of Edinburgh Gold Residentials 16-25yrs Meet the requirements for DofE, whether you choose outdoor adventure or environment and conservation. Accommodation will be in an outdoor centre, situated in the picturesque village of Hope in the Peak District or the small town of Church Stretton, adjacent to the 10 mile ridge of the Long Mynd, part of the Shropshire Hills. These residentials are designed for anyone looking to complete the residential section of their Gold DofE award. How to make sure your Gold DofE residential meets the requirements. Hannah, DofE participant. Participants need to remain on the residential and cannot leave to meet friends at the festival. Why can’t fresher’s week count as a Residential section activity? Your adventure awaits... View all residential dates and book online today. If they are using a Residential section Approved Activity Provider then their trip will meet these requirements. However, the Residential section is all about being away from the people you know, so a carer should only attend if it is really necessary. It would not include working alongside those doing their paid job, or teaching a group of younger people, as they will be on a different residential experience. Yes, they should count. Each day should be a full day, but people may have some distance to travel. This is because developing the social skills to establish new friendships and working relationships is an essential part of this section. – There is a question as to who the Assessor would be and on what activity participants are being assessed. We offer 5-day activity courses, where you can join other Gold participants for a week of fun. Nearer the time you will be sent full details about the course, a schedule of the week’s activities, a medical form to complete and a kit list. You must be aged between 16 and 25. What is a DofE residential? Splitting a residential into two parts can seriously reduce the learning and development outcomes the section aims to provide. It means that an individual who is meeting the requirements cannot simply join an existing team or complete a homestay living with four members of a family. You can also click on the checklist below to confirm that your choice of package counts for your Gold DofE programme. Do people there/local people count and what about joining people on a longer residential? Can volunteer stewarding at a festival be used as a residential activity? As an Approved Activity Provider (AAP) all our expeditions and packages meet the DofE requirements of the Residential section. You’ll need to show persistence, commitment and personal development. 5 Day, 4 Night - Gold Duke of Edinburgh Residential. The snowsports Gold DofE residential is £345.00 plus five days lift passes (£26.00 per day). The only exception to this is where a school might join with several other schools to set up a joint residential experience run by a third party where the staff are unknown, and each school is thus a minority of the group. if their choice of residential activity can count for their Gold DofE programme. PMGY are an approved DofE Residential Activity Provider allowing you to complete your Residential project overseas on a volunteer experience. It is worth noting that the Residential section is the same length as a Gold expedition with the acclimatisation day. The participant must have been 16 at the time and the residential must meet all the usual considerations. DofE Expedition & Residential Requirements. We meet all of the requirements laid out by the DofE on this checklist 02/ Which course is right for me? Come and complete your Gold DofE Residential at Arete Outdoor Centre. It is, however, open to anyone of any age. If your proposed residential meets these requirements then it should be fine to use . The ‘exceptional circumstances’ for splitting a residential refers to incidents where participants have to leave halfway through and so can count what they have already done. Even in these rare cases careful steps must be taken to ensure that students from the schools are always mixed, including the evenings and overnight. It is important that all five people are on the same residential experience. While there are now six people on a residential experience they are on different experiences as the first three people now know each other and the environment they are in. Yes – if a young person is reliant on a carer then they may be present. DofE Leaders and LOs must always be consulted in advance to ensure that they are happy for the activity to count for the Residential. So, you can complete a DofE residential with a commercial organisation, but it would be very rare to complete a residential for a commercial organisation. Common sense is probably the best advice here, but as a rule of thumb, 4pm would be fine, but 12pm or 1pm would not usually be. (FSC is an Approved Activity Provider for DofE). – The activities should broaden experiences and interests through ‘purposeful activity which develops skills or interests. Can the Residential section be backdated by three months as an activity undertaken prior to entry? A shared activity is one undertaken by all the participants together, all achieving the same aims and having the same experience. Gold DofE Residential: Activity based, Adventure & Leadership. Now complete number 12. This means that all five are meeting the requirements of the section that they are away from home and in an unfamiliar environment with people they don’t know. For this reason, local people and staff are not counted as being on the residential. Completed your expedition, finished your volunteering and physical skills? Generally, participants should therefore not set out to undertake split residential weeks. There are a three course options to choose from, as listed below. We host a Gold Residential DofE each year where participants join and meet others from across the UK for our team based residential event. This is covered in The Handbook for DofE Leaders which states participants ‘must join a residential activity as an individual and not part of an existing group of friends. The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award. Can a National Citizens Service placement be used for a DofE Residential section? A deposit of £100 will be required upon booking with the remaining amount to be paid 14 days prior to the course. What time can we finish on the last day of a residential? By continuing to use our website without changing the settings, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. We offer both hill walking and canoeing expeditions at all levels of the Award – Bronze, Silver and Gold. Only if they don’t know the staff that they may have met on their previous visit. All Gold DofE Residentials run Mon-Fri. Start: Monday lunchtime (12.30pm) Free transfer from Wareham Train Station / Drive yourself / Get dropped off. Finish: Friday (3pm) Gold DofE Residential - Bushcraft & Survival. No. RESIDENTIAL Choosing a residential The key requirements Duration A minimum of five days and four nights consecutively. Due to a considerable increase in bookings for 2021, we are expanding our team of instructors from all parts of the UK. There may be a situation where three young people volunteer to do two months teaching in Africa and have a week overlap with the three young people coming to do the next three months. Join us on an epic 5-day bushcraft and survival adventure in the heart of the stunning North York Moors. S*Á¸]7üùDdàZRkiƒ?è: 3z9ƒµ8²às Yes. No, I want to find out more. Daytime activities Learning or developing a skill, training for a qualification, or volunteering with a group. Can young people who have additional needs undertake their Residential section with their carers? – There is no shared activity as a group – while all students may be on fresher’s week, they will not be at the same activities every day or evening as a group. There are 20 basic conditions specified by the Duke Of Edinburgh’s Award – these ensure that expeditions are all run to the same standard and that, most importantly, every participant has gained a worthwhile and challenging award. It is essential that there should be at least five people on a residential experience. If an activity can be done over one week, then that is the option that should be taken. In some circumstances, for example festivals run for a charitable cause or those with a specific DofE opportunity, the activity could count if it can be evidenced that the group stay, volunteer and socialise together, and don’t go off to see friends at the festival after their shift. At present we only work with DofE units – we do not offer Open courses for individuals to join. Thank you to Matt Johnson for the voiceover. What do you need to do next? Ideal for bronze, silver and gold level training as well as the residential element of the gold award. To achieve a Gold Award, participants need to complete an extra section in addition to the Volunteering, Physical, Skills and Expedition sections - the Residential. We have dedicated staff on-hand to sign and deliver on any paperwork, support structure and feedback that you may require. A DofE residential is an opportunity for a young person to step outside of their usual environment, routine and social setting, giving them the opportunity to find out more about themselves and who they see themselves as. DofE Requirements. As with all Residential section activities participants should confirm with their DofE Leader / LO in advance that their specific opportunity will count for their DofE Award. This is not a DoE residential however accommodation is available for those participating, either free or for a donation, if our work gets under your skin. - Residential case studies. It’s not something that can be achieved in a short burst of enthusiasm. Now it’s time to sit back and enjoy the DofE Gold Residential! Minimum requirements are Summer ML, DBS and current first aid. If a young person has been to the residential centre before, can they go again for their DofE residential? We are an Approved Residential provider for summer and winter gold DofE residentials, and we operate these all year round from our Cairngorms Adventure Centre in Scotland. Action-packed, multi-activity residential week for Gold DofE! Carry out your DofE Expedition with FSC. Open to anyone looking to experience the great outdoors and learn key bushcraft skills. Available Dates. The real benefit to the volunteer is the free entry to the festival which does not meet the DofE’s objectives. These can be the first steps into a career in the outdoors or just an introduction to a lifetime of adventure. However, it must involve at least four nights away … For those doing the first aid residential there is an additional cost of £15 for the Level 3 Outdoor First Aid certificate. Due to the ongoing challenges of COVID-19 we have suspended all of our Residential Projects. The Winter Multi Activity Residential week is £345.00 plus two days lift passes (£26.00 per day). Residential; Skills; National OAs; Promoting the DofE; Wild country areas; Expedition; Forms; Physical; Volunteering Your residential can have any focus or include any activities that you wish, as long as it meets the above criteria. Can a university taster week count for the DofE Residential section? The Handbook for DofE Leaders states that a residential ‘must be done with an organised group, registered charity or AAP’. Places book up well in advance, a year in some cases, don't leave it too late So, you can complete a DofE residential with a commercial organisation, but it would be very rare to complete a residential for a commercial organisation. Evening activities Spent with the group, whether organised activities or socialising and cooking together. Unlike a fresher’s week which does not count, university taster weeks tend to have a subject focus and set timetables which provide a structured experience for young people. How does the minimum of five people work on a residential? (inclusive of 4 night’s accommodation) Please call the office on 01306 730470 for availability Covid 19 update. You can choose from a range of residential activities – see the programme ideas link below. While many participants will undertake their Residential section with a commercial AAP, they are not completing the residential for them by working for the company itself. The Handbook for DofE Leaders states that a residential ‘must be done with an organised group, registered charity or AAP’. Can a conservation activity that is over two weekends count for my Residential section – what does ‘exceptional circumstances’ mean? In exceptional circumstances, and at the discretion of your Licensed Organisation (you must get permission in advance), this commitment can be spread over two weekends. For those doing Maths one of the teaching team … We'll not only take you on an adventure but you'll also pick up some great skills along the way. While some elements of a fresher’s week might make it seem like a suitable residential activity, it’s not: – You cannot count your day to day work/training as a DofE sectional activity. The Residential sectional activity must meet all our conditions in terms of people known, having an activity etc. Some LOs may discuss some flexibilities with their DofE Office if a participant has care, medical, employment or cost issues/needs around the Residential section, or if it was an exceptional, once in a lifetime opportunity that will never be available again. Full itinerary of adventure activities morning, afternoon & evening. (Valid until 31st July 2021. This involves spending five days and four nights away from home with like minded people you've never met before. Chat to your DofE Leader or Licensed Organisation and use the Residential section checklist to agree in advance if the specific opportunity will count. It is acceptable to know a few of the others taking part, but the vast majority should not be people already known to the participant. Over the required time you’ll need to do each activity for an average of an hour a week. Find out what you need to do in detail, including the process and timescales, on our residential requirements page. `wÍ6ý¼¦RÉx”üt‹T$‹ŽøÑ1°3žÿôPÒ¹ X$ŽAŒ£Ú³ÄzW­ömI{§íVÿy¢%šŒAýԐV8ñ€@á͇x&ü™ÕXÖçXº.PŠ¶;Ði|7¨4Kz”Þhsϝ¶868¶ØLf×É.›ÉǀÆþñˆßpûŸ#!WµBrƒ¹sŽô\+ὗ鳑ÞÕ!©×ü $‰)Î:3N%‚áˆd å*I4U»Å ¦CÒ¯! The minimum age to volunteer with Revitalise is 16. People Can a school trip count for a DofE residential as pupils often don’t know each other or the teachers leading the trip. Expertly trained, warm and friendly staff will welcome you to the programme and work with you and the group all week. Duke of Edinburgh Award residential requirements DofE Gold Residential 2020..pdf + DofE Gold Residential. Fully catered accommodation. This year we have 8 Gold Residential Weeks to choose from, one … Additionally, the residential needs to provide an opportunity for interaction with people from different walks of life, ages and backgrounds which usually cannot be done from a single school environment. This should also include the staff running the residential. A DofE programme is made up of four sections (five at Gold). for your DofE. The same days cannot also be used for the Expedition section. Overview What to expect Dates More Info Gallery Enquire now. This is a 5 day residential course designed to meet the requirements of the Residential section of the Gold Duke of Edinburgh's Award. A 'residential' for Gold DofE means a programme that spends 5 days and 4 nights away from home on a shared activity with people that you have never met before. School or youth group trips are therefore not acceptable.’. This cannot take place if they undertake the residential with other people who already know them and have a set idea of who that person is. Find a residential opportunity. If you are undertaking the Gold DofE Award, your residential will fulfill all the criteria for the Gold Residential section but completing DofE is not a requirement to join us. ŠÞ1Ke. Overview.

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