glen eira planning scheme

Since adopting a Heritage Management Plan in 1998, Glen Eira has successfully introduced planning scheme heritage controls for 18 heritage areas and 130 individual properties (3042 properties in total). It sets out when a planning permit is required in order to utilise, develop or subdivide a parcel of land - and it sets out what can and can't be taken into consideration. Amend the Heritage Overlay Schedule at Clause 43.01 to rectify minor anomalies relating to property address information. Glen Eira City Council (Council) and the Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) are progressing the planning for a sustainable and vibrant new precinct known as ‘East Village’ in Bentleigh East. You can choose one or more options and select the "Filter results" button to filter the list of clauses. Our planning scheme has three main parts: maps showing how zones and overlays affect land; ordinances setting out the written requirements; incorporated documents; Planning schemes are binding on everyone … Glen Eira has 20% and is now thinking of introducing a 5% requirements for its Residential Growth Zone 3 in Carnegie. 2. Town Planning Drawings – fully dimensioned site plans, house floor plans, elevations, shadow diagrams, existing conditions and proposed subdivision plans. The Strategic Work Plan resulting from this process required an internal heritage review of the municipality’s existing heritage areas and heritage planning policy. The purpose of the Strategy is to assess the need for social and affordable housing in Glen Eira and to identify Council’s role in ABANDON Planning Scheme Amendment C126 for the area known as the Virginia Park Business Centre, 236-262 East Boundary Road, East Bentleigh. This is a current copy of the planning scheme. The Glen Eira Planning Scheme sets out policies and provisions for the use, development and protection of land within Glen Eira. You can also look at older Glen Eira Planning Scheme amendments on the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning website. Please note that the combined version of this planning scheme is a large document and may take some time to download. Help. Carnegie - Oppose Inappropriate Development. (PDF 787.9 KB), Schedule to What does this Planning Scheme Consist of? GLEN Eira residents angry at the pace and density of residential development in their streets are demanding the council review the planning scheme. You should check the last updated date against the date the planning scheme was last updated at the top-left of this page. Download the complete Glen Eira Planning Scheme (PDF 7.6 MB), Purposes of this Planning Scheme (PDF 791.0 KB), Green wedges - Metropolitan Melbourne (PDF 836.5 KB), Settlement - Metropolitan Melbourne (PDF 910.0 KB), Activity centres - Metropolitan Melbourne (PDF 791.5 KB), Distinctive areas and landscapes (PDF 836.0 KB), Environmental and Landscape Values (PDF 787.6 KB), Protection of biodiversity (PDF 837.1 KB), Native vegetation management (PDF 836.1 KB), Protection of coastal areas (PDF 837.1 KB), River corridors, waterways, lakes and wetlands (PDF 836.4 KB), Sustainable development in alpine areas (PDF 840.0 KB), Significant Environments and Landscapes (PDF 729.0 KB), Environmentally sensitive areas (PDF 790.9 KB), Environmental Risks and Amenity (PDF 787.2 KB), Natural hazards and climate change (PDF 790.9 KB), Coastal inundation and erosion (PDF 836.5 KB), Contaminated and potentially contaminated land (PDF 836.0 KB), Natural Resource Management (PDF 787.0 KB), Protection of agricultural land - Metropolitan Melbourne (PDF 790.5 KB), Protection of agricultural land (PDF 792.5 KB), Sustainable agricultural land use (PDF 829.4 KB), Forestry and timber production (PDF 836.1 KB), Catchment planning and management (PDF 225.9 KB), Protection of declared irrigation districts (PDF 219.5 KB), Earth and Energy Resources (PDF 729.0 KB), Resource exploration and extraction (PDF 840.3 KB), Built Environment and Heritage (PDF 788.2 KB), Urban design - Metropolitan Melbourne (PDF 790.9 KB), Healthy neighbourhoods - Metropolitan Melbourne (PDF 790.5 KB), Energy and resource efficiency (PDF 790.9 KB), Aboriginal cultural heritage (PDF 835.8 KB), Housing supply - Metropolitan Melbourne (PDF 144.5 KB), Rural residential development (PDF 145.4 KB), Community care accommodation (PDF 122.7 KB), Residential aged care facilities (PDF 155.1 KB), Diversified economy - Metropolitan Melbourne (PDF 792.1 KB), State significant industrial land (PDF 791.4 KB), Tourism in Metropolitan Melbourne (PDF 791.3 KB), Coastal and maritime tourism and recreation (PDF 836.7 KB), Land use and transport planning (PDF 836.6 KB), Sustainable personal transport - Metropolitan Melbourne (PDF 790.7 KB), Sustainable personal transport (PDF 836.7 KB), Principal Public Transport Network (PDF 791.4 KB), Planning for port environs (PDF 836.7 KB), Planning for airports and airfields (PDF 840.3 KB), Freight links - Metropolitan Melbourne (PDF 790.6 KB), Renewable energy - Metropolitan Melbourne (PDF 790.5 KB), Health precincts - Metropolitan Melbourne (PDF 791.1 KB), Education precincts - Metropolitan Melbourne (PDF 790.4 KB), Cultural facilities - Metropolitan Melbourne (PDF 790.5 KB), Social and cultural infrastructure (PDF 791.0 KB), Open space - Metropolitan Melbourne (PDF 837.2 KB), Development Infrastructure (PDF 729.0 KB), Development and infrastructure contributions plans (PDF 247.3 KB), Infrastructure design and provision (PDF 123.3 KB), Integrated water management (PDF 840.2 KB), Telecommunications - Metropolitan Melbourne (PDF 144.5 KB), Waste and resource recovery (PDF 837.0 KB), Local Planning Policy Framework (PDF 787.0 KB), Municipal Strategic Statement (PDF 727.1 KB), Vision – Strategic Framework (PDF 987.6 KB), Housing and Residential Development (PDF 1.1 MB), Institutional and Non Residential Uses in Residential Areas (PDF 793.1 KB), Public Uses / Community Facilities (PDF 890.8 KB), Non Residential Uses in Residential Zones Policy (PDF 1.1 MB), Housing Diversity Area Policy (PDF 8.1 MB), Aged Persons Housing Policy (PDF 900.9 KB), Public Open Space Contribution Policy (PDF 1.2 MB), Operation of the Local Planning Policy Framework (Transitional) (PDF 726.7 KB), Relation to the Planning Policy Framework (PDF 787.5 KB), Operation of the Municipal Strategic Statement (PDF 787.8 KB), Operation of the Local Planning Policies (PDF 787.6 KB), Schedule 1 to the Mixed Use Zone (PDF 883.5 KB), Schedule 2 to the Mixed Use Zone (PDF 886.8 KB), Schedule 3 to the Mixed Use Zone (PDF 886.8 KB), Schedule 2 to the Residential Growth Zone (PDF 883.4 KB), Schedule 1 to the Residential Growth Zone (PDF 887.1 KB), Schedule 3 to the General Residential Zone (PDF 887.8 KB), Schedule 4 to the General Residential Zone (PDF 887.1 KB), Schedule 2 to the General Residential Zone (PDF 182.4 KB), Schedule 1 to the General Residential Zone (PDF 175.8 KB), Schedule 1 to the Neighbourhood Residential Zone (PDF 887.3 KB), Neighbourhood Residential Zone (PDF 235.7 KB), Schedule to the Industrial 1 Zone (PDF 776.1 KB), Schedule to the Industrial 3 Zone (PDF 776.1 KB), Schedule to the Commercial 1 Zone (PDF 776.3 KB), Schedule to the Public Use Zone (PDF 776.3 KB), Public Park and Recreation Zone (PDF 265.3 KB), Schedule to the Public Park and Recreation Zone (PDF 776.5 KB), Schedule 1 to the Special Use Zone (PDF 888.8 KB), Comprehensive Development Zone (PDF 894.3 KB), Schedule 1 to the Comprehensive Development Zone (PDF 344.9 KB), Schedule 2 to the Priority Development Zone (PDF 1.1 MB), Environmental and Landscape Overlays (PDF 726.6 KB), Schedule 1 to the Vegetation Protection Overlay (PDF 834.8 KB), Vegetation Protection Overlay (PDF 308.6 KB), Schedule 1 to the Significant Landscape Overlay (PDF 930.7 KB), Significant Landscape Overlay (PDF 285.7 KB), Heritage and Built Form Overlays (PDF 726.7 KB), Schedule to the Heritage Overlay (PDF 256.9 KB), Schedule 2 to the Design and Development Overlay (PDF 835.8 KB), Schedule 1 to the Design and Development Overlay (PDF 840.4 KB), Schedule 8 to the Design and Development Overlay (PDF 1.1 MB), Schedule 9 to the Design and Development Overlay (PDF 575.6 KB), Schedule 3 to the Design and Development Overlay (PDF 835.6 KB), Schedule 10 To The Design And Development Overlay (PDF 1.5 MB), Schedule 4 to the Design and Development Overlay (PDF 835.8 KB), Design and Development Overlay (PDF 891.3 KB), Schedule 5 to the Design and Development Overlay (PDF 929.2 KB), Schedule 1 to the Development Plan Overlay (PDF 834.7 KB), Schedule 2 to the Development Plan Overlay (PDF 1.1 MB), Schedule 4 to the Neighbourhood Character Overlay (PDF 928.4 KB), Schedule 1 to the Neighbourhood Character Overlay (PDF 944.0 KB), Neighbourhood Character Overlay (PDF 931.1 KB), Schedule 6 To The Neighbourhood Character Overlay (PDF 933.8 KB), Schedule 5 to the Neighbourhood Character Overlay (PDF 927.7 KB), Schedule 2 to the Neighbourhood Character Overlay (PDF 931.0 KB), Schedule 3 to the Neighbourhood Character Overlay (PDF 933.1 KB), Schedule to the Special Building Overlay (PDF 834.9 KB), Schedule to the Public Acquisition Overlay (PDF 776.3 KB), Public Acquisition Overlay (PDF 882.8 KB), Environmental Audit Overlay (PDF 877.9 KB), Development Contribution Plan Overlay (PDF 835.6 KB), Schedule 2 to the Parking Overlay (PDF 927.2 KB), Schedule 1 to the Parking Overlay (PDF 926.5 KB), Schedule 10 to the Parking Overlay (PDF 930.7 KB), Schedule to Specific Controls Overlay (PDF 150.0 KB), Provisions that Apply only to a Specified Area (PDF 726.7 KB), Schedule to Specific Sites and Exclusion (PDF 777.5 KB), Specific Sites and Exclusions (PDF 788.5 KB), Provisions that Require, Enable or Exempt a Permit (PDF 726.7 KB), Combustible Cladding Rectification Exemptions (PDF 125.3 KB), Schedule to Easements, Restrictions and Reserves (PDF 218.0 KB), Easements, Restrictions and Reserves (PDF 878.8 KB), Level Crossing Removal Project (PDF 167.1 KB), Schedule to Advertising Sign (PDF 776.0 KB), Earth and Energy Resources Industry (PDF 453.2 KB), Stone Extraction and Extractive Industry Interest Areas (PDF 159.5 KB), Bushfire Protection: Exemptions (PDF 266.7 KB), 2009 Bushfire Replacement Buildings (PDF 122.0 KB), Heliport and Helicopter Landing Site (PDF 840.9 KB), Native Vegetation Precinct Plan (PDF 310.7 KB), Schedule to the Native Vegetation Precinct Plan (PDF 776.0 KB), Schedule to Native Vegetation (PDF 776.5 KB), State Of Emergency Exemption (PDF 178.7 KB), Telecommunications Facility (PDF 837.5 KB), Victoria's Big Housing Build (PDF 1.1 MB), Community Care Accommodation (PDF 147.1 KB), Schedule to Licensed Premises (PDF 776.1 KB), Land Adjacent to a Road Zone, Category 1, or a Public Acquisition Overlay for a Category 1 Road (PDF 834.5 KB), Schedule to Wind Energy Facility (PDF 776.1 KB), Post Boxes and Dry Stone Walls (PDF 788.2 KB), Schedule to Post Boxes and Dry Stone Walls (PDF 776.1 KB), General Requirements and Performance Standards (PDF 726.7 KB), Public Open Space Contribution and Subdivision (PDF 833.1 KB), Schedule to Public Open Space Contribution and Subdivisions (PDF 776.4 KB), Convenience Restaurant and Take-Away Food Premises (PDF 791.0 KB), Schedule to Live Music and Entertainment Noise (PDF 112.6 KB), Live Music Entertainment Venues (PDF 253.6 KB), Shipping Container Storage (PDF 791.4 KB), Uses with Adverse Amenity Potential (PDF 231.4 KB), Racing Dog Keeping and Training (PDF 146.0 KB), Renewable Energy Facility (other than Wind Energy Facility) (PDF 213.3 KB), Schedule to Statement of Underlying Provisions (PDF 776.1 KB), Statement of Underlying Provisions (PDF 831.2 KB), Residential Aged Care Facility (PDF 445.8 KB), Stormwater Management in Urban Development (PDF 253.9 KB), Housing by or on behalf of the director of housing (PDF 1.0 MB), Neighbourhood and Site Description and Design Response (PDF 791.5 KB), Site Layout and Building Massing (PDF 236.5 KB), On-Site Amenity and Facilities (PDF 848.8 KB), Two or more Dwellings on a lot and Residential Buildings (PDF 245.8 KB), Neighbourhood and Site Description and Design Response (PDF 791.6 KB), Neighbourhood Character and Infrastructure (PDF 169.7 KB), Site Layout and Building Massing (PDF 280.0 KB), On-Site Amenity and Facilities (PDF 851.6 KB), Subdivision Site and Context Description and Design Response (PDF 792.8 KB), Liveable and Sustainable Communities (PDF 795.1 KB), Access and Mobility Management (PDF 875.0 KB), Integrated Water Management (PDF 194.6 KB), Urban Context Report and Design Response (PDF 791.5 KB), On-Site Amenity and Facilities (PDF 844.9 KB), VicSmart Applications and Requirements (PDF 726.7 KB), Realign the Common Boundary Between Two Lots (PDF 835.6 KB), Subdivision of Buildings and Car Parking spaces (PDF 835.7 KB), Front Fence in a Residential Zone (PDF 788.3 KB), Buildings and Works in a Zone (Except a Rural Zone) (PDF 792.8 KB), Buildings and Works in an Overlay (PDF 791.2 KB), Remove, Destroy or Lop a Tree (PDF 789.1 KB), Applications Under Heritage Overlay (PDF 182.5 KB), Applications Under a Special Building Overlay (PDF 789.4 KB), Two Lot Subdivision in a Rural Zone (PDF 832.2 KB), Buildings and Works in a Rural Zone (PDF 791.6 KB), Extension to One Dwelling on a Lot in a Residential Zone (PDF 792.4 KB), Schedule to Local Vicsmart Applications (PDF 776.6 KB), Local VicSmart Applications (PDF 787.9 KB), Schedule to the Information Requirements and Decision Guidelines for Local Vicsmart Applications (PDF 787.9 KB), Information Requirements and Decision Guidelines for Local VicSmart Applications (PDF 787.0 KB), Uses not Requiring a Permit (PDF 134.4 KB), Subdivisions not Requiring a Permit (PDF 789.4 KB), Extent of Existing Use Rights (PDF 787.7 KB), Effect of Definitions on Existing Use Rights (PDF 787.0 KB), Expiration of Existing Use Rights (PDF 787.4 KB), Compliance with Codes of Practice (PDF 830.9 KB), Damaged or Destroyed Buildings or Works (PDF 787.1 KB), General Provisions for Use and Development of Land (PDF 726.7 KB), Land Used for More Than One Use (PDF 786.8 KB), Land Used in Conjunction with Another Use (PDF 787.4 KB), Subdivision of Land in More Than One Zone (PDF 787.8 KB), Approval of An Application or Plan (PDF 788.3 KB), Approval of An Application to Subdivide Land (PDF 788.7 KB), Referral and Notice Provisions (PDF 204.6 KB), Use and Development Referrals (PDF 231.1 KB), Referral of Permit Applications Under Other State Standard Provisions (PDF 187.0 KB), Referral of Permit Applications Under Local Provisions (PDF 787.3 KB), Schedule to the Referral of Permit Applications Under Local Provisions (PDF 776.1 KB), Notice of Permit Applications Under State Standard Provisions (PDF 243.6 KB), Notice of Permit Applications Under Local Provisions (PDF 9.5 KB), Schedule to the Notice of Permit Applications Under Local Provisions (PDF 776.1 KB), Applications Under Section 96 of the Act (PDF 786.9 KB), Exemptions from Section 96(1) And 96(2) of the Act (PDF 167.8 KB), Notice Requirements - Native Vegetation (PDF 830.6 KB), Operation of this Planning Scheme (PDF 726.7 KB), Operation of the Municipal Planning Strategy (PDF 174.7 KB), Operation of the Planning Policy Framework (PDF 184.3 KB), Operation of Particular Provisions (PDF 787.0 KB), Operation of VicSmart Planning Applications and Process (PDF 793.2 KB), Administration and Enforcement of this Scheme (PDF 726.7 KB), Responsible Authority for this Planning Scheme (PDF 111.7 KB), Schedule to the Responsible Authority For This Planning Scheme (PDF 140.9 KB), What Area is Covered by the Planning Scheme (PDF 786.9 KB), Schedule to What Area is Covered by this Planning Scheme? Glen Eira Amendment C184 to Planning Scheme Now on Public Exhibition. 00 31/07/2018 VC148 PURPOSEANDVISION ... Planning,2019) Page8of1086 GLENEIRAPLANNINGSCHEME. Glen Eira’s Planning Scheme has 34 pages devoted to Minimal Change Area Policy (Clause 22.08). No Water Sensitive Urban Design, or an Environmental Sustainable Policy exists in the planning scheme. Save East Bentleigh started this petition to Glen Eira City Council (All Councillors) and 9 others THE CLOCK IS TICKING! The Glen Eira Planning Scheme is currently under review and we are seeking feedback from the community. Find out how the COVIDSafe Summer restrictions are impacting our services. Learn what planning schemes are and how they work. The VPA undertook the initial planning work for East Village, and Council is … Town Planning Report (in Victoria often referred to as a Clause 55 response): demonstrating how the proposed development addresses State and Local Planning Schemes. There are also no structure plans in Glen Eira. This project has been undertaken by Council’s Heritage Planner and Consultant Heritage Advisor. This petition made change with 1,092 supporters! The Victorian Environment, Land, Water and Planning website provides an interactive map of the Glen Eira Planning Scheme where you can find all of the relevant overlays and zones that regulate the works that you are able to undertake on your property. Proposal To consider and endorse the Planning Scheme Review 2010 Report (as attached). In Particular Provisions – Clause 53.06, replace the Schedule with a new Schedule in the form of the attached document. It sets out when a planning permit is required in order to utilise, develop or subdivide a parcel of land - and it sets out what can and can't be taken into consideration. Share this petition Victory. We would like to hear your views on our current planning policies, what the key planning issues are today and how these can be addressed. Our planning scheme has three main parts: Planning schemes are binding on everyone including individuals, businesses, government departments and councils. Send a Facebook message. The documents are presented in PDF or Microsoft Word format. It’s now 2021 and there are no permanent height controls in any commercial areas of Glen Eira. All council planning schemes are listed on the Planning Schemes Online website. The Glen Eira Planning Scheme(Scheme) is a statutory document which sets out objectives, policies and provisions for the use development and protection of land within the municipality of Glen Eira. Glen Eira City CouncilCorner Glen Eira and Hawthorn RoadsCaulfield, Victoria, National Relay ServiceDial: 13 36 77 orSpeak and Listen: 1300 555 727 or then enter 03 9524 3333, current planning scheme amendments in Glen Eira, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning website, maps showing how zones and overlays affect land, ordinances setting out the written requirements, change to the ordinance or written part of the scheme. And with each permit awarded for higher than five storeys it becomes increasingly difficult to argue for less. The policy defines these areas and states why they are significant and should be protected. Briefly, the GE Planning Scheme Neighbourhood Character Provisions are. This precinct includes Caulfield Racecourse Reserve, Monash University’s Caulfield campus, Glen Eira College, Derby Road shoppi… Search for a planning report. Grid area filters. This document is not always updated as quickly as the individual documents listed below. The planning scheme is set out in 'Table of Content' format below. Because the Glen Eira planning scheme has no real controls to stop such developments. Glen Eira Maps. Replace Clause 22.01 of the Glen Eira Planning Scheme - the Glen Eira Heritage Policy. glen huntly railway stn. At least 28 other councils have succeeded in incorporating such measures into their planning schemes. Last updated: 11th March 2021 See updates and amendments. Last updated: 11th March 2021 See recent amendments. Council’s Open Space Strategy 2013−2026 guides the planning, provision, design and management of public open space in Glen Eira. Andrea Kellett less than 2 min read Relevant overlays are. Save Glen Eira group have highlighted the fact that the residents have limited grounds for objections about the deficiencies of the current planning schemes which set excessive height limits , disregard open space requirements and encourage inappropriate development. • Attempt to minimise the impact on the community’s quality of life during major building construction through stricter guidelines and local laws for developers, and their enforcement. The Glen Eira Planning Scheme is a legal document containing policies and provisions that control how people can use and develop land. Community Plan Theme 6 – Development and Planning To develop Glen Eira (within the framework of State Legislation) with a choice of The following planning scheme is used specifically for the Glen Eira Local Government Area (LGA). The figures shown below are correct as at 16-12-2020 . The community has been very badly let down by a Council that has historically given nothing but lip service to a co-ordinated and planned approach to development in the commercial areas of the municipality.

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