how will you apply first aid to an injured patient

Don't give the casualty anything to eat or drink, because they may need an anaesthetic (numbing medication) when they reach hospital. Next, position the item you are using for the tourniquet several inches above the injury. First aid for head injury In cases where there is a serious head injury, always call an ambulance. If they're conscious, reassure them and ask them to take a 300mg aspirin tablet to chew slowly (unless you know they shouldn't take aspirin – for example, if they're under 16 or allergic to it). Stay calm. First aid is defined as the immediate care given to an acutely injured or ill person. In any situation, apply the DRSABCD Action Plan. Lean the person forward so that the object blocking their airway will come out of their mouth, rather than moving further down. Immobilize the limb, apply a cold pack, elevate it, and take anti-inflammatory drugs. Haemostatic dressings contain properties that help the blood to clot (thicken) quicker. If the person is unconscious but still breathing, put them into the recovery position with their head lower than their body and call an ambulance immediately. First, check your surroundings for possible hazards, and move the person if necessary unless they have a spine or neck injury. The adverse reaction can be very fast, occurring within seconds or minutes of coming into contact with the substance the person is allergic to (allergen). If the person is unconscious, has difficulty breathing or is bleeding severely, these must be dealt with first, by controlling the bleeding with direct pressure and performing CPR. When you call for an ambulance, telephone systems now exist that can give basic life-saving instructions, including advice about CPR. Give two rescue breaths, Continue with cycles of 30 chest compressions and two rescue breaths until they begin to recover or emergency help arrives, Open the child's airway by placing one hand on the child’s forehead and gently tilting their head back and lifting the chin. Sprains, strains, and tears are injuries to the muscles or ligaments. If someone is bleeding heavily, the main aim is to prevent further blood loss and minimise the effects of shock (see below). Every pet owner should own a first aid kit with the items needed to provide first aid for small injuries. Apply firm, direct pressure using a clean pad (or sterile dressing if available) over the wound. If you are, make the situation safe. If someone has had an electric shock, switch off the electrical current at the mains to break the contact between the person and the electrical supply. Knowledge of first aid is essential to assist a person in such emergencies. When in doubt, first aid for sprains should be the same as broken bones. Poisoning is potentially life-threatening. This is known as the jaw thrust technique. Tie the fabric into a knot, making sure to leave enough length out. Find out how to give CPR, including rescue breaths. The quality (depth) of chest compressions is very important. Raise the alarm immediately to let others know that you may need help administering first aid. If the airway is only partly blocked, the person will usually be able to speak, cry, cough or breathe. To do basic first aid, remember the 3 C's. If the patient is unconscious as a result of a head injury, always suspect a spinal injury. Apply First Aid Queensland Ambulance Service – Apply First Aid eLearning program 5 Lesson 1 INTRODUCTION – APPLY FIRST AID Hello and welcome to the Queensland Ambulance Service, “Apply First Aid” program. Check if the person is carrying any medication. The effects of poisoning depend on the substance swallowed, but can include vomiting, loss of consciousness, pain or a burning sensation. If coughing doesn’t work, start back blows (see below). When it's safe to do so, assess the casualty and, if necessary, dial 999 or 112 for an ambulance. This is usually due to severe blood loss, but it can also occur after severe burns, severe vomiting, a heart attack, bacterial infection or a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis). Make sure they're comfortable and can breathe as best they can while waiting for medical help to arrive. If a body part, such as a finger, has been severed, place it in a plastic bag or wrap it in cling film and make sure it goes with the casualty to hospital. your nearest accident and emergency (A&E) department, how to treat minor bleeding from cuts and grazes, St John Ambulance: First aid training courses, Chat to an NHS operator in our Live Chat - opens a new window, first check that you and the casualty aren't in any danger, and, if possible, make the situation safe, if necessary, dial 999 or 112 for an ambulance when it's safe to do so, apply and maintain pressure to the wound with your gloved hand, using a clean pad or dressing if possible; continue to apply pressure until the bleeding stops, use a clean dressing to bandage the wound firmly, if bleeding continues through the pad, apply pressure to the wound  until the bleeding stops and then apply another pad over the top and bandage it in place; don't remove the original pad or dressing, but continue to check that the bleeding has stopped, cool the burn as quickly as possible with cool running water for at least 10 minutes, or until the pain is relieved, while cooling the burn, carefully remove any clothing or jewellery, unless it's attached to the skin, if you're cooling a large burnt area, particularly in babies, children and elderly people, be aware that it may cause hypothermia (it may be necessary to stop cooling the burn to avoid hypothermia), cover the burn loosely with cling film; if cling film isn't available, use a clean, dry dressing or non-fluffy material; don't wrap the burn tightly, because swelling may lead to further injury, don't apply creams, lotions or sprays to the burn, encourage the person to cough to try to clear the blockage, ask them to try to spit out the object if it’s in their mouth, don't put your fingers in their mouth to help them because they may accidentally bite you. It can literally be life-saving so it behooves all of us to know some basic principles. There are four basic steps to performing emergency first aid. - Use appropriate PPE: Put on gloves, if available. First aid ensures proper methods of administering medical support are provided. A heart attack is one of the most common life-threatening heart conditions in the UK. Read more about treating alcohol poisoning. Use the heel of one hand if you can't achieve a depth of 4cm using the tips of two fingers, After 30 chest compressions at a rate of 100 to 120 per minute, give two rescue breaths, with the person lying on their back, kneel on the floor at their side, place the arm nearest you at a right angle to their body with their hand upwards, towards the head, tuck their other hand under the side of their head, so that the back of their hand is touching their cheek, bend the knee farthest from you to a right angle, carefully roll the person onto their side by pulling on the bent knee, the top arm should be supporting the head and the bottom arm will stop you rolling them too far, open their airway by gently tilting their head back and lifting their chin, and check that nothing is blocking their airway, stay with the person and monitor their condition until help arrives, has been involved in an incident that's directly affected their spine, such as a fall from height or being struck directly in the back, complains of severe pain in their neck or back, has lost control of their limbs, bladder or bowels. How do I make a first aid kit? If you think a person has had a stroke, use the FAST guide: Read more about the symptoms of a stroke. The tourniquet needs to be positioned at the part of the limb that is closest to the heart. First aid when the injured person is conscious Encourage the injured person to minimise any movement of their head or neck. Call 999 or 112 for immediate medical help. Keep the injured area compressed. Do not give the person anything to eat or drink unless a healthcare professional advises you to. What follows are some rules that cover common conditions and general practices: Check that their chest rises. First aid for spinal injury Warning . Haemostatic dressings and tourniquets should only be used by people who have been trained to apply them. If someone is injured in an incident, first check that you and the casualty aren't in any danger. The type of shock described here isn't the same as the emotional response of feeling shocked, which can also occur after an accident. If they're breathing normally, place them in the recovery position so their airway remains clear of obstructions and continue to monitor normal breathing. If the person deteriorates and becomes unconscious, open their airway, check their breathing and, if necessary, start CPR. If a person is unconscious but breathing, and has no other injuries that would stop them being moved, place them in the recovery position until help arrives. Remove any visible obstructions from the mouth and nose, Pinch their nose. Building a First Aid Kit. Clean visible wounds with water Apply an ice pack to injury site to reduce swelling and pain; do not apply ice directly to the skin, but wrap it in a cloth or towel Stop any bleeding by applying pressure, using a sterile dressing or a clean cloth In case of a fracture, try … If possible, determine the cause of the injury. Pinch the person’s nose. Place your arms around their waist and bend them well forward. Place your other hand on top of your first hand and interlock your fingers, Position yourself with your shoulders above your hands, Using your body weight (not just your arms), press straight down by 5-6cm (2-2.5 inches) on their chest, Keeping your hands on their chest, release the compression and allow the chest to return to its original position, Repeat these compressions at a rate of 100 to 120 times per minute until an ambulance arrives or you become exhausted, Place the heel of your hand on the centre of the person's chest, then place the other hand on top and press down by 5-6cm (2-2.5 inches) at a steady rate of 100 to 120 compressions per minute, After every 30 chest compressions, give two rescue breaths, Tilt the casualty's head gently and lift the chin up with two fingers. This may mean you have an infection. Take care not to move their neck. Every year in the UK, thousands of people die or are seriously injured in incidents. To open the airway, place one hand on the casualty’s forehead and gently tilt their head back, lifting the tip of the chin using two fingers. Continue to observe the casualty to ensure they don't stop breathing or that their airway becomes obstructed. To carry an injured first-aid patient over a long distance, place their arms over your shoulders. All casualties who have had an intramuscular or subcutaneous (under the skin) injection of adrenaline must be seen and medically checked by a healthcare professional as soon as possible after the injection has been given. Time to call 999 or 112 – for emergency help if a person has any of these symptoms. More severe injuries may require cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and other resuscitation procedures or surgery. Use hands-only CPR if you aren't trained to perform rescue breaths. In certain situations where a chemical is regularly handled, a specific chemical antidote may be available to use. Don't probe the wound or attempt to clean it yet. Don't push on the floor of the mouth, as this will push the tongue upwards and obstruct the airway. If you're alone, perform CPR for one minute before calling for emergency help. After the injection, continue to look after the person until medical help arrives. … For treatment of other injuries, gloves are optional. how to help a baby who is unresponsive and not breathing how to help a child who is unresponsive and not breathing. You … Always seek medical help for bleeding unless it's minor. It's always best to get someone else to drive, so that you can deal with the casualty if they deteriorate – for example, if they lose consciousness as a result of the pain or start to vomit. If not, give up to five abdominal thrusts (see below). Basic First Aid for Nosebleeds The person choking should always be seen by a healthcare professional afterwards to check for any injuries or small pieces of the obstruction that remain. Many deaths could be prevented if first aid is given before emergency services arrive. Clench one fist and place it just above the person's belly button. This shouldn't be mistaken for normal breathing and CPR should be given straight away. A tourniquet is a band that's wrapped tightly around a limb to stop blood loss. 9  See your doctor for further diagnosis and treatment. If there is an immediate danger to the casualty, move him first to a safe place. Remove any clothing or debris on the wound. Use two hands if you can't achieve a depth of 5cm using one hand, After every 30 chest compressions at a rate of 100 to 120 per minute, give two breaths, Open the infant's airway by placing one hand on their forehead and gently tilting the head back and lifting the chin. Re-alert the emergency services that the casualty is now in cardiac arrest. Do not take risks for yourself, the injured person or any witnesses. Assess the injury and decide whether the best way to get them to hospital is by ambulance or car. Most cases of poisoning in the UK happen when a person has swallowed a toxic substance, such as bleach, taken an overdose of a prescription medication, or eaten wild plants and fungi. Support their chest with one hand. If available, lay them down on a rug or blanket to protect them from the cold. During anaphylactic shock, it may be difficult for the person to breathe, as their tongue and throat may swell, obstructing their airway. By taking first aid training, it helps you to reflect on yourself and how you and others react in certain situations. You could place a rolled up towel or thick cloth under the neck for better support. If not, do NOT remove existing dressings, but simply add more dressings and apply pressure, if the person becomes unconscious, follow actions for basic life support (BLS), hand over the person to medical or professional personnel when they arrive, find out which hospital, clinic or health centre will provide care. The earlier they receive treatment, the better. Give five initial rescue breaths, Place two fingers in the middle of the chest and push down by 4cm (about 1.5 inches), which is approximately one-third of the chest diameter. Cut/Scrape One of the first things you will learn during your first aid training is that you must look after yourself and ensure your own safety as a priority. Ensure that the person is lying down flat. The symptoms of a sprain are almost exactly the same as that of a broken bone. When it's safe to do so, assess the casualty and, if necessary, dial 999 or 112 for an ambulance. If the casualty isn't breathing, call 999 or 112 for an ambulance and then begin CPR. Remove any visible obstructions from the mouth and nose, Place your mouth over the mouth and nose of the infant and blow steadily and firmly into their mouth, checking that their chest rises. Second, call emergency services for help. Assessment of a sick or injured person. If the patient appears collapsed, first check their response to a shouted command and to a firm squeeze of the shoulders. Give up to five sharp blows between the person’s shoulder blades with the heel of your hand (the heel is between the palm of your hand and your wrist). Treatment of injury depends upon its type and severity. If not, consider moving the person as carefully as possible with help from bystanders or other rescuers, re-check the actions after the initial assessment, check that bandages are still in place and bleeding has stopped. The three priorities when dealing with a casualty are commonly referred to as ABC, which stands for: If the casualty appears unresponsive, ask them loudly if they're OK and if they can open their eyes. Seal your mouth over their mouth and blow steadily and firmly into their mouth for about one second. If they do, you should: The FAST guide is the most important thing to remember when dealing with people who have had a stroke. Clean the injured area with soap and water and blot the wound dry. If it's necessary to open their airway, place your hands on either side of their head and gently lift their jaw with your fingertips to open the airway. Remember that when administering first aid treatment that involves contact with bodily fluids, it’s important to wear protective gloves to eliminate the risk of disease transmission. If you're not completely confident, attempt hands-only CPR instead (see above). It can help in saving the life of an injured. Your first job is to stop the bleeding. If the injury is beneath the knee or elbow, the tourniquet needs to be applied above the joint. You can either help the person administer their medication or, if you're trained to do so, give it to them yourself. Step 3 Stand behind the person and slightly to one side. First aid is emergency care given immediately to an injured person. A well-stocked first aid kit is a must-have for treating minor injuries at home and on the go. Below, in alphabetical order, are some of the most common injuries that need emergency treatment in the UK and information about how to deal with them: Anaphylaxis (or anaphylactic shock) is a severe allergic reaction that can occur after an insect sting or after eating certain foods. The quality (depth) of chest compressions is very important. Don't leave them if they're unconscious because they may roll onto their back, which could cause them to vomit. Then, compress the sprain by wrapping a bandage around the joint, which will help protect the area from further damage. Before you try to help an injured person, make sure that you won’t get hurt in the process. dial 999 or 112 as soon as possible and ask for an ambulance, lie the person down if their injuries allow you to and, if possible, raise and support their legs, give them lots of comfort and reassurance, monitor the person – if they stop breathing, start. Keep them under observation to ensure they continue to breathe normally, and don't obstruct their airway. To treat a sprain during first aid, apply ice wrapped in a towel or a bag of frozen vegetables to the injured area as soon as possible to reduce swelling. You can then carry out basic first aid. First Aid is the temporary help given to an injured or a sick person before professional medical treatment can be provided. When it's safe to do so, assess the casualty and, if necessary, dial 999 or 112 for an ambulance. If you have disposable gloves, use them to reduce the risk of any infection being passed on. If the casualty isn't breathing normally, then you must start chest compressions immediately. Agonal breathing is common in the first few minutes after a sudden cardiac arrest (when the heart stops beating). Monitor their vital signs, such as breathing, until help arrives. Agonal breathing is sudden, irregular gasps of breath. Alcohol poisoning can cause similar symptoms. Give five initial rescue breaths, Place the heel of one hand on the centre of their chest and push down by 5cm (about two inches), which is approximately one-third of the chest diameter. Make the patient comfortable, lay the person flat on his or her back, loosen all tight clothes, and lift the person leg to restore blood flow to the brain. If this isn't possible in the position they're in, gently lay them on their back and open their airway. Here is a list with the 8 most common injuries requiring first aid and what you can do when an accident like this occurs. Be careful not to contaminate and injure yourself with the chemical, and wear protective clothing if necessary. If the obstruction doesn't clear after three cycles of back blows and chest thrusts, dial 999 or 112 to ask for an ambulance, and continue until help arrives. Call 999 or 112 immediately if you think someone is experiencing anaphylactic shock. Learn the first aid method of DRSABCD First aid is as easy as ABC – airway, breathing and CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). Once the person is on land, if they're not breathing, open the airway and give five initial rescue breaths before starting CPR. Check that there's nothing embedded in the wound. Having this understanding will boost your confidence in a wide range of non-medical day to day situations. These four first aid steps are: Assess; Plan; Implement; Evaluate; In this first aid blog post we will take a closer look at the four basic first aid steps. If someone is injured in an incident, first check that you and the casualty aren't in any danger. Manage the patient in line with current first aid guidance. Read more about how to treat minor bleeding from cuts and grazes and how to treat nosebleeds. Offering reassurance is the process of providing information that is comforting and instils trust and confidence in your abilities to provide first aid care. Please always consider your own personal safety first when delivering first aid. The vomit could then enter their lungs and make them choke. The person's own hand can be used to apply pressure whilst getting a suitable dressing/putting on your gloves. For example, if the pain isn’t too severe, you could transport them to hospital by car. If you’ve been trained in CPR, including rescue breaths, and feel confident using your skills, you should give chest compressions with rescue breaths. - Tell a bystander to get the AED and first aid kit: Point to a bystander and speak out loud. It’s not being … When a worker suffers from one of these, the first thing to do is immobilize the affected area, elevate it, and apply ice and compression to reduce swelling. Finally, care for the person by performing CPR if necessary and stopping any bleeding. If someone has a nosebleed that hasn't stopped after 20 minutes, go to your nearest accident and emergency (A&E) department. The following advice is important: If the person becomes unconscious while you're waiting for help to arrive, check for breathing and, if necessary, perform CPR. Read more about what to do after an incident. You can then carry out basic first aid. First aid is the immediate medical assistance given to an ill or injured person until professional help arrives to take over. However, opening the airway takes priority over a neck injury. You should suspect a spinal injury if the person: Don’t include personal information e.g. If you travel with your pet, it’s a good idea to also have a smaller kit in your car or bag to provide any care needed while on the go. Where the first aid management or medical treatment required is beyond a first aider’s level of competence, the first aider should seek assistance from trained professionals such as an ambulance officer, medical practitioner, or occupational health nurse. Step 2 Attempt to revive the person by shaking him/her vigorously yet gently. You have pain directly over the bones of an injured joint. Find out what's been swallowed, so you can tell the paramedic or doctor. A spinal injury should be suspected if the patient has: pain at or below site of injury The purpose of first aid is to minimize injury and future disability. If you're in any doubt, treat the injury as a broken bone. don't go near or touch the person until you're sure the electrical supply has been switched off, once the power supply has been switched off, and if the person isn't breathing, dial 999 or 112 for an ambulance, they’re in a lot of pain and in need of strong painkilling medication, don't move them and call an ambulance, it's obvious they have a broken leg, don't move them, but keep them in the position you found them in and call an ambulance, you suspect they have injured or broken their back, don't move them and call an ambulance, chest pain – the pain is usually located in the centre or left side of the chest and can feel like a sensation of pressure, tightness or squeezing, pain in other parts of the body – it can feel as if the pain is travelling from the chest down one or both arms, or into the jaw, neck, back or abdomen (tummy). If a person is unconscious but is breathing and has no other life-threatening conditions, they should be placed in the recovery position. Read more about how to treat burns and scalds. In certain situations, where bleeding is very severe and from the body’s extremities, such as the head, neck and torso, it may be appropriate to use haemostatic dressings or a tourniquet. Gasping or irregular breathing is not normal breathing. You can offer reassurance through giving the casualty information about the care you are providing and by letting them know that professional help is on the way, if this is the case. It is a good idea to take a first aid course so that you can recognise an emergency and give basic first aid until professional help arrives. Apply ice to the injured area. Minor Wounds. To help an adult or child over one year old: Abdominal thrusts shouldn't be used on babies under one year old, pregnant women or obese people. Seal your mouth over their mouth and blow steadily and firmly into their mouth, checking that their chest rises. If the person has any medication for angina, such as a spray or tablets, help them to take it. Below are mentioned some of how the proper supply of first aid proves to be helpful. The information below is for choking in adults and children over one year old. Assessing a casualty While you wait, keep checking their breathing, pulse and level of response: If there's no response, leave the casualty in the position they're in and open their airway. It also ensures that any vomit or fluid won't cause them to choke. First aid is required in many ways, shapes and forms. If choking is severe, the person won’t be able to speak, cry, cough or breathe, and without help they’ll eventually become unconscious. If you think someone has swallowed a poisonous substance, call 999 or 112 to get immediate medical help and advice. In serious cases, first aid may be necessary to keep the victim alive. Place your other hand on top of your fist and pull sharply inwards and upwards. If a person isn't breathing normally after an incident, call an ambulance and start CPR straight away. Once you have given your pet first aid, take them to your vet for a check-up as soon as possible. On the way to the doctor, apply a cold pack. Then help the casualty to lie down. Wear disposable protective gloves if available. - Interview the person: Uses SAMPLE questions to gather more information about signs and symptoms, allergies, medications, pertinent medical history, last food or drink and events leading up to the incident. For severe bleeding, take these first-aid steps and reassure the injured person. If they're conscious, sitting upright is normally the best position for them. In these cases, act immediately and appropriately, call for help or ask someone to call for medical or professional help, plan what action to take until professional help arrives, based on the initial or primary assessment, determine how much help you can give based on what you know and what skills you have, ensure your own ongoing safety as a rescuer, give first aid for life-threatening emergencies and specific injuries based on the initial assessment, if emergency services are arriving very soon, do not splint injuries. If you think a person is having, or has had, a heart attack, sit them down and make them as comfortable as possible, and call 999 or 112 for an ambulance. If you think the person may have a spinal injury, place your hands on either side of their head and use your fingertips to gently lift the angle of the jaw forward and upwards, without moving the head, to open the airway. Scalp injuries can bleed profusely, so control any significant blood loss from head wounds with direct pressure and a dressing. maintain safety and wait for assistance Give psychological first aid: inform them what is happening and what you are doing If it is necessary, prepare the person for transportation, check that medical or professional assistance will arrive soon, check that the scene remains safe. You develop redness or red streaks that spread out from the injured area. Take extreme care at all times to maintain alignment of the head, neck and spine. Basic First Aid Treatment. In situations like this, a person will usually be able to clear the blockage themselves. It encourages healthy and safe living. Call for emergency medical help straight away. For chemical burns, wear protective gloves, remove any affected clothing, and rinse the burn with cool running water for at least 20 minutes to wash out the chemical. Call 999 or 112 for emergency help and tell ambulance control you think they are in … If someone is injured in an incident, first check that you and the casualty aren't in any danger. You have re-injured an area that has been injured a number of times in the past. If there is, take care not to press down on the object. This page provides information and guidance about hands-only cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and CPR with rescue breaths. Don't remove large or deeply embedded objects. Facial weakness – is the person unable to smile evenly, or are their eyes or mouth droopy? Some people who know they have severe allergies may carry an adrenaline self-injector, which is a type of pre-loaded syringe. If they respond, you can leave them in the position they're in until help arrives. What are first aid requirements? Once you and the patient are safe, confirm the extent of possible injuries. Your first aid kit should contain: Bandages; Blunt-ended scissors; Wound wash; … You can then carry out basic first aid. Manage the situation to give safe access to the person. Speech problems – is the person unable to speak clearly or understand you? First, dial 999 and ask for an ambulance as soon as possible. Is there no response to any stimulus (are they unconscious)? name, location or any personal health conditions. Instead, press firmly on either side of the object and build up padding around it before bandaging, to avoid putting pressure on the object itself.

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