laughing animal hyena

[179] Sir John Barrow described how spotted hyenas in Sneeuberge were trained to hunt game, writing that they were "as faithful and diligent as any of the common domestic dogs". The rate at which the species targets livestock may depend on a number of factors, including stock keeping practices, the availability of wild prey and human-associated sources of organic material, such as rubbish. [1], The spotted hyena (cave hyena subspecies) is depicted in a few examples of Upper Palaeolithic rock art in France. The pseudo-penis is traversed to its tip by a central urogenital canal, through which the female urinates, copulates and gives birth. [67] Environmental factors include rainfall and prey abundance; individual factors include preference to bond with females and with kin; and topological effects include the tendency to close triads in the network. Botswana's spotted hyena population is stable and legally protected by the Fauna Conservation Acts of 1982 and 1987, where it is listed as a game animal. [125], Spotted hyenas will follow packs of African wild dogs in order to appropriate their kills. Overall, the two animals typically ignore each other when there is no food or young at stake. The trap featured a trap-door, which was designed to shut once the bait was disturbed. Spotted hyenas rarely dig their own dens, having been observed for the most part to use the abandoned burrows of warthogs, springhares and jackals. The Mbugwe consider killing hyenas to be dangerous, as the bond between the hyena and its owner is very strong, and will likely result in the witch seeking retribution. hyena The spotted, or laughing, hyena ( Crocuta crocuta ) is the largest species and will burglarize food stores, steal livestock, occasionally kill people, and consume wastes—habits for which they are usually despised, even by the Masai, who leave out their dead for hyenas. [90] Also, spotted hyenas have been recorded to utilise deceptive behaviour, including giving alarm calls during feeding when no enemies are present, thus frightening off other hyenas and allowing them to temporarily eat in peace. [54][75] Copulation may be repeated multiple times during a period of several hours. The spotted hyena, widely known as a scavenger, has heavy jaws equipped for crushing bones. [154] The spotted hyena is a sacred totem animal for some Pedi tribes, with the skin often being used as robes by chieftains and their bones as divining instruments. In 2013, a baby boy was killed by hyenas after being snatched from his mother as she camped near the Hilton Hotel. The spotted hyena has a vocal repertoire unlike any other carnivore, largely in part due … [152] In the Mtwara Region of Tanzania, it is believed that a child born at night while a hyena is crying will likely grow up to be a thief. Female gazelles do not defend their fawns, though they may attempt to distract hyenas by feigning weakness.[96]. Female hyenas are more flexible than males in their social bonding preferences. [104] Spotted hyenas may consume leather articles such as boots and belts around campsites. Natal's spotted hyenas have been increasing in number within all game preserves and nature reserves, where they are protected. Hyenas travelling in another clan's home range typically exhibit bodily postures associated with fear, particularly when meeting other hyenas. Spotted hyenas are also known as laughing hyenas due to the pitch and frequency of the sounds they produce which resemble human laughter. Also, it was not a serious rival like the cave lion or cave bear, and it lacked the impressiveness of the mammoth or woolly rhino. A hyena is an animal in the family Hyaenidae, native to Africa and Asia. You have to admit, it's the stuff horror movies are made up. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. It also carries protozoan parasites of the genus Hepatozoon in the Serengeti, Kenya and South Africa. The general tone is an "oo" tone which begins in a low pitch and ends with a high note. [151], In the culture of the Mbugwe in Tanzania, the spotted hyena is linked to witchcraft. Podcast note: The discussion begins with an update about the 24 million Monopoly story we talked about earlier this week. It is said that feasting Hyaenas engage in violent fights, and there is such a croaking, shrieking and laughing at such times that a superstitious person might really think all the inhabitants of the infernal regions had been let loose. In some cases, the extent of dietary overlap can be as high as 68.8%. Another hunting method was to trap them in their dens and dazzle them with torchlight, before stabbing them in the heart with a long knife. As there is no evidence of environmental change being responsible, it is likely that the giant short-faced hyena became extinct due to competition with the spotted hyena. In contrast, chimps and other primates often require extensive training, and cooperation between individuals is not always as easy for them. [89] Spotted hyenas seem to plan on hunting specific species in advance; hyenas have been observed to engage in activities such as scent marking before setting off to hunt zebras, a behaviour which does not occur when they target other prey species. Typical zebra hunting groups consist of 10–25 hyenas,[90] though there is one record of a hyena killing an adult zebra unaided. [10][13] In this latter trait, the spotted hyena further show parallels with primates by acquiring rank through coalition. [10] Spotted hyena hierarchy is nepotistic; the offspring of dominant females automatically outrank adult females subordinate to their mother. [111], When feeding on an intact carcass, spotted hyenas will first consume the meat around the loins and anal region, then open the abdominal cavity and pull out the soft organs. [97] One of the earliest studies to demonstrate their hunting abilities was done by Hans Kruuk, an African wildlife ecologist, and he showed through a 7-year study of hyena populations in Africa that spotted hyenas hunt as much as lions, and with later studies this has been shown to be the average in all areas of Africa. [54] Males will show submissive behaviour when approaching females in heat, even if the male outweighs his partner. Home ranges are defended through vocal displays, scent marking and boundary patrols. It is the only mammalian species to lack an external vaginal opening, having a pseudo-penis instead. [45] A 63.1 kg (139 lb) spotted hyena is estimated to have a bite force of 565.7 newtons at the canine tip and 985.5 newtons at the carnassial eocone. Although they do not wag their tails, spotted hyenas will flick their tails when approaching dominant animals or when there is a slight tendency to flee. "Social support drives female dominance in the spotted hyaena", "Age Estimation and Dispersal in the Spotted Hyena (Crocuta crocuta)", "Maternal effects on offspring social status in spotted hyenas", "Topological effects of network structure on long-term social network dynamics in a wild mammal", "Socioecological variables predict telomere length in wild spotted hyenas", "Socioecological predictors of immune defenses in a wild spotted hyenas", "It's a dog's life – aggressive male hyenas fail to impress the girls", "Sexual conflicts in spotted hyenas: male and female mating tactics and their reproductive outcome with respect to age, social status and tenure", "Hyenas Surprisingly Good at Cooperative Tasks", "Prey preferences of the spotted hyaena (Crocuta crocuta)", Tyrants of the Cenozoic: Evolution of Bone-Crushing Hyenas and Dogs – YouTube, "Prey deposits and den sites of the Upper Pleistocene hyena Crocuta crocuta spelaea (Goldfuss, 1823)in horizontal and vertical caves of the Bohemian Karst", Behind the snarl lies a cagey opportunist, proficient hunter, and dutiful parent, Hyena: Scavenger or Predator? [115] In some cases, spotted hyenas are bold enough to feed alongside lions, and may occasionally force lions off a kill. A set of five, pale and barely distinct bands replace the spots on the back and sides of the neck. [151] In Harar, Ethiopia, spotted hyenas are regularly fed by the city's inhabitants, who believe the hyenas' presence keeps devils at bay, and associate mystical properties such as fortune telling to them. [75] Lactating females can carry 3–4 kg (6.6–8.8 lb) of milk in their udders. Alfred Brehm wrote that the spotted hyena is harder to tame than the striped hyena, and that performing specimens in circuses were not up to standard. Though originally thought to represent a composite or zoomorphic hybrid, it is probable it is a spotted hyena based on its broad muzzle and long neck. Pliny the Elder supported Aristotle's depiction, though he further elaborated that the hyena can imitate human voices. Davis, Delbert Dwight & Story, Harriette Elizabeth (1949), This page was last edited on 13 March 2021, at 10:07. The Laughing Carnivore. Lone hyenas live mostly on carrion, but where large populations exist they form packs and hunt by night. [123] Hyenas are nonetheless dangerous opponents for leopards; there is at least one record of a young adult male leopard dying from a sepsis infection caused by wounds inflicted by a spotted hyena. [18] The species has a largely negative reputation in both Western culture and African folklore. The microfilaria of Dipetalonema dracuneuloides have been recorded in spotted hyenas in northern Kenya. [92] The spotted hyena tracks live prey by sight, hearing and smell. Cheetahs are usually easily intimidated by hyenas, and put up little resistance,[122] while leopards, particularly males, may stand up to hyenas. Usually done standing, with the mouth opened slightly and the head bent down, Used by both sexes when alone or in a group, and appears to be done spontaneously without external cause, Similar to the whoop, but higher pitched and with shorter intervals, Tail is either horizontal or high with the ears cocked. [62] Cubs take the rank directly below their mothers at birth. Analyses of several hyena saliva samples showed that the species is unlikely to be a rabies vector, thus indicating that the species catches the disease from other animals rather than from intraspecifics. It is said that all hyenas are owned by witches, and that truly wild hyenas are non-existent. [114], When confronted on a kill by lions, spotted hyenas will either leave or wait patiently at a distance of 30–100 metres until the lions have finished eating. [130], Spotted hyenas dominate other hyena species wherever their ranges overlap. From a husbandry point of view, hyenas are easily kept, as they have few disease problems and it is not uncommon for captive hyenas to reach 15–20 years of age. Once the muscles have been eaten, the carcass is disassembled and the hyenas carry off pieces to eat in peace. When a high tendency to flee an attacker is apparent, the tail is curled below the belly. [49], Fur colour varies greatly and changes with age. Although individual spotted hyenas only care for their own young, and males take no part in raising their young, cubs are able to identify relatives as distantly related as great-aunts. Sir Thomas Browne also argued against the hyena's supposed hermaphroditism, stating that all animals follow their own "Law of Coition", and that a hermaphrodite would transgress this. In the animal world, the hyena has been censured by more scandalous untruths than even the sloth. [164] Attacks occur most commonly in September, when many people sleep outdoors, and bush fires make the hunting of wild game difficult for hyenas. [68][69], Territory size is highly variable, ranging from less than 40 km2 in the Ngorongoro Crater to over 1,000 km2 in the Kalahari. References to the spotted hyena's vocalisations are referenced in numerous contemporary examples of English literature, including Shakespeare's As You Like It and George Chapman's Eastward Ho. In December 2013, a cull was organised and marksmen killed ten hyenas which had occupied wasteland near the city centre. [11] When flaccid, the pseudo-penis is retracted into the abdomen, and only the prepuce is visible. [139] Spotted hyenas may act as hosts in the life-cycles of various parasites which start life in herbivores; Taenia hyaenae and T. olnogojinae occur in hyenas in their adult phase. Although wild dog packs can easily repel solitary hyenas, on the whole, the relationship between the two species is a one sided benefit for the hyenas,[126] with wild dog densities being negatively correlated with high hyena populations. Dens are used mostly by several females at once, and it is not uncommon to see up to 20 cubs at a single site. [136], Dr. Hans Kruuk compiled the following table on spotted hyena calls in 1972;[137], Spotted hyenas may contract brucellosis, rinderpest[citation needed] and anaplasmosis. [110] Spotted hyenas do not require much water, and typically only spend 30 seconds drinking. Kenya's spotted hyena population differs in status for protected and unprotected areas, being lower risk in protected areas and threatened elsewhere. An intruder can be accepted into another clan after a long period of time if it persists in wandering into the clan's territory, dens or kills. An image on a cave in Ariège shows an incompletely outlined and deeply engraved figure, representing a part of an elongated neck, smoothly passing into part of the animal's forelimb on the proximal side. They catch adult wildebeest usually after 5 km (3.1 mi) chases at speeds of up to 60 km/h (37 mi/h). Clan boundaries are usually respected; hyenas chasing prey have been observed to stop dead in their tracks once their prey crosses into another clan's range. Spotted hyena society is matriarchal; females are larger than males, and dominate them. Like the fast whoop, but with less tendency to attack. [73] Passive males tend to have greater success in courting females than aggressive ones. A corpse rejected by hyenas is seen as having something wrong with it, and liable to cause social disgrace, therefore it is not uncommon for bodies to be covered in fat and blood from a slaughtered ox. [41], Spotted hyenas are social animals that live in large communities (referred to as "clans") which can consist of at most 80 individuals. Hiob Ludolf, in his Historia aethiopica, was the first to clearly distinguish the Crocuta from Hyaena on account of physical, as well as geographical grounds, though he never had any first hand experience of the species, having gotten his accounts from an Ethiopian intermediary. This pattern continued until 1961 when eight people were killed. [41] The dentition is more dual purposed than that of other modern hyena species, which are mostly scavengers; the upper and lower third premolars are conical bone-crushers, with a third bone-holding cone jutting from the lower fourth premolar. Crocuta was finally recognised as a separate genus from Hyaena in 1828. It's also the stuff found in nature, as evidenced by these animals … Although protected within national parks, Cameroon hyenas suffer from habitat desertification and human expansion, and are sometimes killed by tourist hunters and herdsmen. [116] Spotted hyenas usually prevail against groups of lionesses unaccompanied by males if they outnumber them 4:1. The spotted hyena, also known as the laughing hyena, is native to Sub-Saharan Africa. [78] The average litter consists of two cubs, with three occasionally being reported. [156] Kujamaat hunters traditionally treat the spotted hyenas they kill with the same respect due to deceased tribal elders, in order to avoid retribution from hyena spirits acting on behalf of the dead animal. [9] Combined with large jaw muscles and a special vaulting to protect the skull against large forces, these characteristics give the spotted hyena a powerful bite which can exert a pressure of 80 kgf/cm2 (1140 lbf/in²),[42] which is 40% more force than a leopard can generate. [13] However, the social system of the spotted hyena is openly competitive rather than cooperative, with access to kills, mating opportunities and the time of dispersal for males depending on the ability to dominate other clan-members. The odour of this secretion is very strong, smelling of boiling cheap soap or burning, and can be detected by humans several metres downwind. [88] The intelligence of the spotted hyena was attested to by Dutch colonists in 19th-century South Africa, who noted that hyenas were exceedingly cunning and suspicious, particularly after successfully escaping from traps. sivalensis. [14] Another theory is that it is an adaptation to the length of time it takes for cubs to develop their massive skulls and jaws, thus necessitating greater attention and dominating behaviours from females. It was often the case that native skinners refused to even touch hyena carcasses, though this was not usually a problem, as hyena skins were not considered attractive. Although still relatively common in some protected areas, spotted hyenas are likely declining due to persecution. [7] European Paleolithic rock art depicting the species indicates that the Eurasian populations retained the spots of their modern-day African counterparts. The Egyptian Saint abba (Father) Matewos of Asfoni was associated with hyenas; one fable tells of how he rescued a cub trapped in a pit, and had his feet licked in gratitude by its mother. The second migration of spotted hyenas occurred less than 1.3–1.5 million years ago and resulted in the first arrival of hyenas in Europe and a separation of African spotted hyenas into a southern and a northern population. Hyena Laugh. [95] During a chase, zebras typically move in tight bunches, with the hyenas pursuing behind in a crescent formation. [79] Giving birth is difficult for female hyenas, as the females give birth through their narrow clitoris, and spotted hyena cubs are the largest carnivoran young relative to their mothers' weight. A single game licence is required to hunt one, and control measures have largely removed the species from settled areas. [70], The spotted hyena is a non-seasonal breeder, though a birth peak does occur during the wet season. [54] Both partners usually lick their genitals for several minutes after mating. Within ten days of birth, they are able to move at considerable speed. [138], The spotted hyena's distribution once ranged in Europe from the Iberian Peninsula to the Urals, where it remained for at least one million years. [85], The clan's social life revolves around a communal den. And they are the hyena that laugh. The ear is typical of the spotted hyena, as it is rounded. During a hunt, spotted hyenas often run through ungulate herds in order to select an individual to attack. The description given by Pennant was precise enough to be included by Johann Erxleben in his Systema regni animalis by simply translating Pennant's text into Latin. [86] The general form of a spotted hyena den is tunnel-shaped, with a spacious end chamber used for sleeping or breeding. In this way, you will get a good time to share and have fun with the laughs that you will cause them. [19], Natural historians of the 18th and 19th centuries rejected stories of hermaphroditism in hyenas, and recognised the differences between the spotted and striped hyena. It is listed as being of least concern by the IUCN on account of its widespread range and large numbers estimated between 27,000 and 47,000 individuals. Its success is due in part to its adaptability and opportunism; it is primarily a hunter but may also scavenge, with the capacity to eat and digest skin, bone and other animal waste. In modern times, the species faces spatial competition from more popular animals, especially large canids. [37] Exceptionally large weights of 81.7 kg (180 lb)[9] and 90 kg (198 lb)[27] are known. [25], Several languages of Africa lack species specific names for hyenas: for example, the spotted and striped species have identical names in Dyula, Swahili, Mandinka, Mossi, Ngambaye, Wolof and Fulani. [5] Remains have also been found in the Russian Far East, and it has been theorised that the presence of hyenas there may have delayed the colonisation of North America. It further embodies physical power, excessivity, ugliness, stupidity, as well as sacredness. Though hyenas may harass the stallion, they usually only concentrate on the herd and attempt to dodge the stallion's assaults. He further described how the hyena uses retching noises to attract dogs. These unusual traits make mating more laborious for the male than in other mammals, while also ensuring that rape is physically impossible. As the hyena walks through the jungle, he meets many different animals and laughs at the way they look. The earliest migration of spotted hyenas from Africa to Eurasia began less than 3.5 million years ago, most probably from the area where the first spotted hyena fossils were discovered, reaching East Asia and most likely also Pakistan. Jane Goodall recorded spotted hyenas attacking or savagely playing with the exterior and interior fittings of cars, and the species is thought to be responsible for eating car tyres. [138] It is known that adult spotted hyenas in the Serengeti have antibodies against rabies, canine herpes, canine brucellosis, canine parvovirus, feline calicivirus, leptospirosis, bovine brucellosis, rinderpest and anaplasmosis. [163][164], In 1903, Hector Duff wrote of how spotted hyenas in the Mzimba district of Angoniland would wait at dawn outside people's huts and attack them when they opened their doors. Also, many captive individuals have not been closely examined to confirm their sexes, thus resulting in non-breeding pairs often turning out to be same-sexed individuals. His description of the strange beast left no doubt that it was a wild animal, that it was a hyena. The species is known to carry at least three cestode species of the genus Taenia, none of which are harmful to humans. [91] When hunting medium to large sized prey, spotted hyenas tend to select certain categories of animal; young animals are frequently targeted, as are old ones, though the latter category is not so significant when hunting zebras, due to their aggressive anti-predator behaviours. [57][58] The formation of the pseudo-penis appears largely androgen independent, as the pseudo-penis appears in the female fetus before differentiation of the fetal ovary and adrenal gland. Five deaths were recorded in 1956, five in 1957 and six in 1958. Hindcasting a species geographic distribution across time", Mammalian sexual differentiation: lessons from the spotted hyena, "Social intelligence in the spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta)", "The presence of cave hyaena (Crocuta crocuta spelaea) in the Upper Palaeolithic rock art of Europe", "The Spotted Hyena from Aristotle to the Lion King: Reputation is Everything – In the Company of Animals", "Hyenas and Humans in the Horn of Africa", Homo erectus: pleistocene evidence from the Middle Awash, Ethiopia, "The population history of extant and extinct hyenas", "Post-weaning maternal effects and the evolution of female dominance in the spotted hyena", "Über die weiblichen Begattungsorgane der gefleckten Hyäne", "Courtship and mating in free-living spotted hyenas", "Urogenital system of the spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta Erxleben): a functional histological study". In the same area, hyena faeces are believed to enable a child to walk at an early age, thus it is not uncommon in that area to see children with hyena dung wrapped in their clothes. In East Africa, Tabwa mythology portrays the spotted hyena as a solar animal that first brought the sun to warm the cold earth. Cape spotted hyena populations are even smaller than those of local brown hyenas, due to past persecution. [65], Cubs are born with soft, brownish black hair, and weigh 1.5 kg on average. [160], When targeting livestock, the spotted hyena primarily preys upon cattle, sheep and goats,[12] though hyenas in the southern parts of Ethiopia's Tigray region preferentially target donkeys. Its preferred habitats in west Africa include the Guinea and Sudan savannahs, and is absent in the belt of dense coastal forest. Harvey, Martin and Mills, M. G. L. (October 2001) "Spotted Hyaena versus Brown Hyaena, Skirmishes in the Desert". *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. [156], Spotted hyenas feature prominently in the rituals of certain African cultures. They usually pick the dates, times, and places where friends will meet up, and never miss a social gathering. [97] Kruuk found Solomon's company so congenial, he would have kept him, but Solomon had an insatiable taste for "cheese in the bar of the tourist lounge and bacon off the Chief Park Warden's breakfast table", and no door could hold him back, so Solomon was obliged to live out his days in the Edinburgh Zoo. [144] Population densities based on systematic censuses vary substantially, from 0.006 to 1.7 individuals per km2. [31] Studies on the phylogeographic distribution of mtDNA haplotypes indicates three migration events from Africa to Eurasia, though neither the topology of the phylogenetic tree or the fossil record exclude the possibility of an Asian origin. Höner et al. [74] Copulation in spotted hyenas is a relatively short affair,[72] lasting 4–12 minutes,[58] and typically only occurs at night with no other hyenas present. Once selected, their prey is chased over a long distance, often several kilometres, at speeds of up to 60 km/h. [19] A similar myth occurs in Mansôa, Guinea-Bissau. One study in northern Kenya revealed that 90% of all cases of livestock predation by hyenas occurred in areas outside the protection of thorn fences. [155] According to the doctrine of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, hyenas are unclean animals which represent sexual deviancy and lawlessness. Often done while running, with the mouth bent down, Used with other hyenas present just before the onset of an attack, often during a dispute over a kill with lions or other hyenas.

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