star trek nemesis year

When Picard confirms it, Shinzon raises the light level in the room, which causes the Viceroy to step back into the shadows. Riker tries to tell Picard that it's his job to go down and not Picard's, but Picard invokes captain's prerogative, especially as he's been wanting to try out the Argo. Picard talks about how as a best man, he is expected to be gracious and very complimentary on this blessed union but he begins jokingly complaining that they are not considering the "damned inconvenience," they are putting him through: his ship is losing its first officer and counselor in one go, as they depart for Riker's new command, the Titan, where Picard is sure they will be blissfully happy, while he is left behind having to train his new first officer, "a tyrannical martinet who will never, ever allow me to go on away missions!" As they begin passing through the rift, their connection to Starfleet Cartography is interrupted, and Data explains that all long-range communication will be affected. Captain Picard speaks about how a Starfleet captain's life is filled with solemn duties. Picard tells Shinzon that using that potential to make yourself a better man is what it means to be Human. Premise. As if that weren't surprising enough, Shinzon himself is Reman, not Romulan, having ascended as a result of some kind of political shake-up. On Scimitar, as Shinzon prepares the next attack, the viceroy suddenly gasps in shock. Shinzon attacks the flanking Warbird and manages to disable it. Data speculates that as this signature has only been transmitted so far by androids created by Dr. Noonian Soong, Data's creator. Then the Enterprise is invited to Romulus to negotiate a peace treaty with the Romulans by their new leader, Praetor Shinzon. He leaves Data in command, and tells him to try to put some distance between them and the Scimitar. As he leaves the bridge, he jokingly tells Riker "You have the bridge… Mr. Troi," causing snickers all over the bridge. Votes: 82,138 | Gross: $82.26M. Troi begins to cry, and in Irish wake tradition, Riker, through tears, chuckles and recalls the first time he saw Data on the holodeck. Picard orders a full-axis rotation to port, and to fire all ventral phaser banks. Shinzon dies with his hands around Picard's throat, and Picard is left frozen in shock. According to Wheaton, he found out about it and that it was going to be the last one after a chance run-in with LeVar Burton and that it was Burton who went to the producers and asked that Wheaton be included in the film. Picard asks if he'll have to make a speech during the ceremony on Betazed. La Forge keeps B-4 with him in order to see if there's more he can do for him. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. La Forge recommends that they not use the transporter as there is an ion storm nearby and there's always a chance that it could come their way. Picard asks if Shinzon will waste his life with hatred, and says he can make another choice. The Enterprise collides with the Scimitar, and starts to plow its way through the main hull. Title Star Trek: Nemesis Year 2002 Director Stuart Baird Genre Sci-Fi, Thriller, Adventure, Action The Scimitar is visible for the briefest moment as it too drops out of warp, disappearing completely as it turns about to resume the attack. Back aboard the ship, Dr. Crusher looks at the newly discovered android's head and decides that Data has nicer eyes. In a 2012 convention appearance, Wil Wheaton talked about his appearance in this film. Even after 11 years of its release, this sci-fi online MMORPG has still retained its fan following. "…going so right." At the same time on the Enterprise, they see the fighter flying toward them, and Riker has Worf transport the fighter aboard into a shuttlebay. This scene includes Worf's dialogue from the teaser trailer, ", A scene of Picard walking with Troi down a corridor and Troi explaining to him that he and Shinzon are two different people. Meanwhile Data, acting as B-4, has Picard cuffed and taken at gunpoint away as an act to fool any passing Remans. Praetor Hiren consumed by mysterious radiation, As soon as they are gone, Tal'aura stands and excuses herself for a scheduled meeting with the Tholian ambassador. But since that wasn't activated, his body is beginning to break down and the only thing that will save him is a complete blood transfusion from Picard, which would kill him. Shinzon sends them away but asks Commander Donatra to remain a moment. ", "The Son'a, the Borg, the Romulans – you seem to get all the easy assignments." Troi takes the Enterprise to maximum impulse on a direct collision course with the Scimitar. "It is. Picard offers Riker one piece of advice and Riker is happy to take it. However, just as the searchers find the final piece, they come under attack from Kolaran natives in vehicles of their own, so Picard drives the Argo back to the shuttle while Worf mans the phaser cannon. Shinzon has the doctors take a sample of Picard's blood and he points out that B-4 was bait that Picard couldn't refuse. This is the scene that includes the dialogue from the theatrical trailers, "But in darkness there is strength...(Viceroy)" and "The time we have dreamed of is at hand... the mighty Federation will fall before us...(Shinzon).". She leaves the Senate hall as Shinzon doubles over immediately after and the Viceroy touches his chest and appears to calm him. Data softly says "Goodbye." Picard notes that Soong's penchant for whimsical names ("Before") continues. On the Enterprise, La Forge tells Riker that Shinzon's cloak is perfect and that there's no way to detect the Scimitar. Early introduction of Shinzon in the film (right after the wedding reception). Shinzon orders that the weapon be deployed and used to kill everyone on the Enterprise; afterward, they are to set course for Earth and complete their mission. Shinzon tells Picard that if it had been him on Remus, he would be doing the exact same thing; Picard tells Shinzon if he were in Picard's position he'd know that Picard's responsibility to the Federation prevents him from letting his personal feelings affect his judgment. Get a sneak peek of the new version of this page. "No!" A coup d'état on Romulus brings a new praetor, Shinzon, to power. Picard tells Riker that when his first officer insists that he can't go on away missions to ignore him. As he does so, both he and Picard realize that this is what Shinzon has been waiting for. Worf appeals to Picard, saying it is inappropriate for a Starfleet officer to appear naked in public. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. At the critical moment, Shinzon fires all weapons just as Valdore passes over them, and Valdore is disabled as well. Picard asks what is known about Shinzon himself. Picard says he was the first of the family to ever leave the solar system; it caused a great stir in his family, but he had spent his life looking at the stars and dreaming of new worlds. He and Picard enter the shuttlebay, and Picard welds the bay doors shut with his disruptor rifle. The two have another close fight, and the knife is lost into the thalaron generator, destroying it immediately. As Data runs toward the hole in the ship, La Forge deactivates that force field which, as he leaps, blows Data out of the Enterprise and toward the Scimitar. Riker mentions how Data was trying to whistle but couldn't ever get the tune right, but Riker can't remember the name of the tune Data was trying to whistle. The man that helped him when he was only a small child became his Viceroy after Shinzon began his rise to power. Star Trek: The Beginning During the lull in Star Trek movie production in the early 2000s, there were still … Shinzon's plan is rejected, and the senate moves on to other matters. Just as the transport completes, they short out and transporters go down. La Forge gently assures Picard that he'll take care of it as Picard retreats to his ready room. Picard assures Riker that they will still arrive in time for the ceremony on Betazed where, Picard makes it clear, especially for Worf, that they will all observe the Betazoid tradition. They are of the same flesh, the same blood, the same person. Picard solemnly tells Riker and Troi they still have time to change their minds, but they decide "nah." Worf recommends raising shields but Picard refuses. Shinzon tells Picard that he's likely thinking this is too good to be true, but that a chance for peace cannot be ignored. "Not for long, Captain. The away team takes the Argo's auxiliary all-terrain buggy out and Picard has fun with driving it at high speed around the local terrain. From the Enterprise, La Forge and Troi witness the destruction of Scimitar, shocked by what they see. ", "Our eyes reflect our lives, don't they? As the Senate begins discussing trade relations with Celes II, a small device left behind by Tal'aura opens, sending a cascade of greenish energy particles over the room. Picard tells Crusher that Shinzon is very much as Picard was when he was younger. Star Trek: Phoenix is a fan-film series that is set 42 years after the events of the motion picture Star Trek: Nemesis. Story by The viceroy comes to the bridge and tells Shinzon that it's time; Shinzon goes with him to the medical lab. "Sir?" But Shinzon says that the eyes should be very similar and Picard agrees. The Federation is about to encounter its greatest challenge - The Romulans want peace. Shinzon says his life has no meaning as long as Picard is alive. The week of September 1st, 1974: A man prepares to fire himself across a quarter-mile-wide canyon in a rocket-powered motorcycle. Riker tells Picard this is happening "just when I thought it couldn't get any worse." Donatra meanwhile, watches the entire incident outside the door. The rest of the crew hang on to whatever is nearby until the emergency force fields are put in place. ← 10th of 13 Star Trek films → Just the two of us. And is he a lieutenant? Parts of this scene also appeared in the trailer showing Shinzon telling Troi ", Sickbay getting ready for battle with dialogue between Dr. Crusher and Picard, referencing, A scene of Worf and La Forge packing up Data's personal belongings in his quarters after his memorial service. 33 of 64 people found this review helpful. Worf was also planning to transfer to the Titan with Riker and Troi as first officer, but after the death of Data, Picard requested Worf remain aboard the Enterprise and he agreed to do so. However, Shinzon is not a Romulan, but rather a genetic duplicate of Captain Jean-Luc Picard. He pulls out a knife, cuts his hand, and gives the blood stained blade to Data, knowing they'll want to scan it. "Let's hope that luck holds. ", "What is it your Borg friends say? Advance word on NEMESIS has STAR TREK fans around the world ecstatic about the latest voyage of the Starship Enterprise. Search for "Star Trek: Nemesis" on, Title: ", "Captain Picard, Commander Donatra of the warbird Valdore. Picard says that he wanted to believe Shinzon, but the evidence of the thalaron radiation proves he's not after peace. Data does not have much luck initially, as Reman is a very complex and difficult language. On the Scimitar, Shinzon is told that their disruptors are off-line. The Scimitar fires on the bridge, destroying the viewscreen and causing a massive hull breach that blows the helmsman, Lieutenant Branson, out into space. ", "Serving with you has been an honor." When Picard asks what happened, Shinzon explains that the plan was abandoned some time ago when a new government came to power and they deemed the idea too risky, fearing it would incite a war with the Federation were he discovered. Everyone raises their glass in a toast and Riker leans over and kisses Deanna, his new wife. Worf calls and tells Picard they're ready to put the warp engines online and Picard leaves for the bridge. Or, should I say, just the one of us? "On screen. He relays transport coordinates to the Enterprise and cuts off the transmission. The only actors, beside the main cast, to participate in both this film and the first TNG film. The shuttlecraft Argo is tested for the first time on Kolarus III. Doctor Soong's penchant for whimsical names seems to have no end. Worf. Shinzon says he's never met a Human woman before, but Troi tells Shinzon she's only half-Human. Picard orders Worf to fire a full phaser spread at zero elevation, with photon torpedoes ready to launch at any shield impact. He tells La Forge to "just open the doors." Then the Enterprise is invited to Romulus to negotiate a peace treaty with the Romulans by their new leader, Praetor Shinzon. Oh wait, it … Shinzon quickly notices what Picard is doing and orders evasive action, but not in time. After a joyous wedding between William Riker and Deanna Troi, Captain Picard and the Enterprise crew stumble upon a positronic signature which results in a prototype version of the android Data. Data reports that they will reach the fleet in forty minutes. Picard grimly sums up the vessel: "She's a predator.". FLM 10, TNG 4 Riker wonders why the Romulans would clone Picard; Picard tells Riker that he intends to find out. Seeing that the Praetor has made himself clear, the two commanders leave (after a covert glance at Senator Tal'aura). Once they reach the shuttlebay, Data attempts to decipher the code while Picard holds off the Reman security force by himself. It seems the Romulans are now interested in talking. To Data's silent disappointment, the results of the memory download do not appear to be successful but La Forge notes that B-4 is assimilating a lot of information and it could just take some time. Shinzon returns to his bridge just in time to see two Romulan Warbirds decloak. ", "I will always be puzzled by the Human predilection for piloting vehicles at unsafe velocities. There are SPOILERS in this episode. The activation is noticed on the Enterprise. Picard reminds Riker that "diplomacy is an exacting occupation" and that they will continue to wait. He compares Picard's situation with Shinzon to his situation with B-4; he says that while B-4 may be physically identical to Data aside from the former's less developed neural ability, B-4 would not be Data even if he did have equal mental powers. There is a wedding reception in progress for Commander (soon to be Captain) Will Riker and his new wife, Deanna Troi on Earth at the foot of the magnificent Alaskan mountains of Riker's home state. The Enterprise crew must help them escape to thwart a conspiracy aimed at sabotaging the last best hope for peace. Picard remarks that the Enterprise is truly "sailing into the unknown" and asks everyone to keep up their research. Data tells B-4 that because he is a danger to the ship he must be deactivated indefinitely. Wheaton also said that he asked John Logan what Wesley was doing there, was he still a Traveler and just visiting or had he stopped traveling and returned to Starfleet? He says that Donatra serves him and he believes she does so faithfully but not so with Suran. In Data's quarters, Data has B-4 restrained and activates only cognitive and vocal subroutines. With STAR WARS: THE RISE OF SKYWALKER. The shuttle lifts back off toward the Enterprise. Janeway says that Starfleet is as confused as Picard must be, but needs an experienced captain on the scene, and the Enterprise happens to be the closest ship to the Romulan border. Data is hopeful that with his memories and information that B-4 will be more successful in becoming a productive member of society. B-4 doesn't understand though and Picard says he hopes B-4 eventually will and that they will talk again. Picard decides to set course for the planet, despite it being very close to the border with the Romulan Neutral Zone. Picard tells La Forge to reassemble him. 2 VIDEOS | 196 IMAGES. Shinzon apologizes and says there is much to discuss. The recently-installed Praetor, Shinzon, has requested a Federation envoy. A scene of Picard walking with Troi down a corridor and Troi explaining to him that he and Shinzon are two different people. "He was a damn fool. Shinzon orders a partial de-cloaking and has the ship come to a full stop, making it looks like the Scimitar has suffered significant damage. A man hidden from view up a flight of stairs asks their forgiveness for receiving them in such a darkened room but Remans are uncomfortable in light. Cerritos. On the Scimitar, Picard heads toward the bridge, shooting any Reman he comes across. To cover the snafu, Picard had a uniform beamed down for Wesley to wear during the ceremony. They soon meet in the tube, the viceroy knocking Riker's phaser rifle away and cutting Riker's arm with his knife. The series holds to Gene Roddenberry's original timeline. ↑ No date, either approximate or exact, was given for "The Escape Artist". On the Scimitar, the viceroy touches Shinzon's chest, and tells him that he only has a matter of hours and they must begin the procedure. Scott Bakula Pranked Patrick Stewart. The costumes worn by the Romulan guards seen briefly in the Senate were based upon ancient Japanese armor. When the crew of the Enterprise learn of a Federation conspiracy against the inhabitants of a unique planet, Captain Picard begins an open rebellion. ", "And like a thousand other commanders on a thousand other battlefields, I wait for the dawn. Shinzon says he'll spend his time how he pleases, but that he was merely curious about Picard. Star Trek Nemesis received the following awards and honors. Janeway surprises Picard by sending him on a diplomatic mission to Romulus. Shinzon recites many statistics about Troi, how she's from Betazed, and the ship's counselor. Picard realizes that Shinzon is trying to look him in the eye; thinking Shinzon knows what Picard will do, Picard realizes they have a chance to get him. After Riker assures him they understand his order, Picard orders the ship to battle stations. Rick Berman Star Trek: Lower Decks is a forthcoming animated series that focuses on the junior officers of the U.S.S. "Very astute. Rated PG-13 for sci-fi action violence and peril and a scene of sexual content, Star Trek: Nemesis: 10 Things That Make No Sense, Parkland Pictures strikes double thriller deal with Samuel Goldwyn Films, plus first look (exclusive), Everything Coming to IMDb TV in July 2020, Favorite Streaming or Digital Video Service, Favorite Fictional Movie or TV Baseball Team. The ship makes a strafing run over the Scimitar while slamming it with phasers and more quantum torpedoes, which finally disable the cloak. But Stuart Baird lets us down harshly. To save Earth from an alien probe, Admiral James T. Kirk and his fugitive crew go back in time to San Francisco in 1986 to retrieve the only beings who can communicate with it: humpback whales. Set in the final year of the 24th century, Star Trek: Picard finds Jean-Luc retired at his family vineyard in France after a tragedy that left him disillusioned with Starfleet. He stops petting Spot and walks over to the computer and begins working it with the apparent skill and ability of Data. Picard sighs sadly, forced to accept that he has lost his last chance to get through to Shinzon, and now has no choice but to fight him to the death. Data explains that he aspires to be better than he is, as does Picard – but neither B-4 nor Shinzon share that trait. He announces that, according to his studies of Betazoid and Terran marriage traditions, both cultures find it customary to present the happy couple with a gift. Picard calls for medical teams as Troi races down to take over the Ops position in order to pilot (the conn position having been destroyed along with half the bridge). In January 2013, Varèse Sarabande released a Limited Edition 2-CD Deluxe Edition of the score which contained everything heard in the film. The Enterprise looses a corona of phaser blasts, a few of which hit the Scimitar behind it, but it easily evades the volley of torpedoes. A shadow? Then she will have proven herself. And with that, Captain Riker leaves the Enterprise to head for the Titan. The Enterprise is diverted to the Romulan homeworld Romulus, supposedly because they want to negotiate a peace treaty. Riker comments that "with all due respect to diplomatic protocol, the Federation Council isn't sitting out here; we are." With shields failing and the hull beginning to fail in certain areas, Troi has an idea. Use the HTML below. ", "As ship's counselor, I recommend you come and get some sleep." "The honor was mine… captain. They didn't think a Human would last very long there. Shinzon orders the Viceroy to prepare a boarding party and to go get Picard. Picard is amazed that they're here to help them instead of Shinzon. Riker tells Picard that serving with him has been an honor and Picard says the honor was his. Picard tells Shinzon that he's a mirror for Shinzon as well, but Shinzon says that he won't be for long, and that he's about to see the echo triumph over the voice.

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