telus investor call 2020

This will allow us to mitigate the transient impacts related to the current crisis, manage through various stakeholder initiatives, position our business for future opportunities and remain focused on driving free cash flow toward our original expectation that we set out for 2020. And whether do you think there is an opportunity here to surface value like what you have looked upon for TELUS International? I can't say enough about the way they acted, the leadership, the collaboration, the speed, the sensitivity to employee requirements, the way they dealt with government, the way they harvested the computers within our call centers for home deployment along the way, the way they thought about the safety of all the constituencies involved in this process. We waived two months of service for frontline healthcare workers in Ontario, Quebec, Alberta and British Columbia. Sorry, I was on mute there. We're committed to providing investors with timely and accurate information about our business strategy, expansion projects, operating performance, financial goals and objectives. That's the reason that we're taking a public to support the growth strategy, not as it relates to financial engineering and monetization considerations. By comparison, the same report found that the shift to remote work had the opposite effect in Europe and the United States, where productivity has declined by 8.2% and 7.2%, respectively, since self isolation policies came into effect. Of course. In 2021, TELUS plans to continue generating positive financial outcomes and strong customer growth. Whilst we navigate this crisis, we are continuing to drive near-term efficiencies. Zainul Mawji -- President, Home Solutions. Doug, why don't you and Jim tag team on the second question. Our customer experience team performance also helped our operational performance in this new COVID-19 environment. In additional to being environmentally-friendly, electronic document delivery provides easy, convenient access to business documents at any time. Data usage has been stable as more people are using home WiFi while, as Darren outlined, we have seen a significant increase in other areas like voice and video calling. On the Babylon front, that's an increase and we're only operating in BC, Alberta, and just getting going in Ontario. I think the customer service paradigm is going to change. It's been a breathtaking response from the team. Telus’s conference call today highlighted many things, ... Telus stock: 2020 results show resiliency and strength. Please go ahead. The report shows that not only are Canada's networks continuing to operate exceedingly well through the COVID-19 crisis, Canada is the fastest across 45 countries tested for 4G download speeds for mobile experience. TELUS PureFibre ranks as the Number 1 major Internet service provider in Canada for gaming by PC Magazine, and Netflix named TELUS PureFibre Number 1 in Canada for 17 consecutive months through February. And taking this capability and extending it into TI, where it's incredible to see TI having 85% of their team members working from home or a specialized location. We entered the current global health emergency in a position of strength, quite clearly. We believe we'll continue to see lower COA spend, which will support cash flow, and Doug will talk about that more later. View TELUS's (TSE:T) earnings history, next earnings date and earnings forecasts from top-rated Wall Street analysts at MarketBeat. Dial-in. ET. So, I would suggest that is probably at normal course, slightly accelerated impact but not as material as the roaming. We'll probably won't show or give you the handset savings at the moment, but we did include that in the appendix for the two-week period in which you could probably extrapolate some based on the volume. The value of step up and step-downs are converging. Conference call for the release of the consolidated results of Quebecor Inc. for the fourth quarter 2020 Time : 11:00 AM; Dial : 1-877-293-8052 (Playback no. And I think a lot of people are going to be interested in the TI thesis because if you're looking at TI, you're looking at a company that can provide you everything from enabling your digital transformation as a business to what you want to achieve on your cost efficiency and service excellence goals. Secondly, back to the question that was asked earlier, what's going to happen post COVID? Notably, for 2019, speaking of the power of our wireline network, TELUS was recognized as Canada's Number 1 Netflix streaming experience and is the country's best WiFi provider. When we get to July, we will be able to discuss that a little bit more openly. Thank you. And I think the appetite, the customer demand post-COVID in that area is going to be huge for TI. I think both could give us some good color and insight to Maher on that one. This portfolio is truly unique in market, providing significant product intensification benefits for our wireline segment. It's a goal. The response from the TI team was unbelievable. See contact information and forms. I think it would be fair to say in terms of the amount of business that we derived from Alberta, given the national expansion of TELUS and the product diversification of TELUS. After the Board has thoughtfully weighed the interests of our many stakeholders, alongside the critical initiatives that have been so numerous that we've undertaken in response to the global health crisis, we as the Board made the decision to defer our scheduled dividend increase this quarter, which was planned as part of our ongoing rigorous multiyear dividend growth program. On a reported basis, phone ABPU grew by 0.2% and ARPU decreased by 1.2%. We've been very purposeful in our foreshadowing in terms of what to expect in Q3. Being on the ground in Alberta, I'm just so impressed and inspired by the people who continue to show incredible resilience in the face of adversity. And if you think about employers, what they're thinking about right now is the health of their employees, they're thinking about the productivity of their employees, the engagement of their employees and on the avoidance of absenteeism among their employees. Their commitment to improving outcomes for our fellow citizens in concert with our leading financial and operating results and our superior asset mix continues to define TELUS' leadership in social capitalism and the symbiotic relationship between our company and the communities that we serve. Thanks. They were government EDIX and they happen very fast. I think you're going to see increasing virtualization of our society, the ubiquity of virtualization. Pembina Executive Team. Find all of the information you need here to make informed investment decisions, including the latest annual and quarterly financial reports, stock information, investor relations contacts and reasons to invest in TELUS. In wireline, external revenue was up more than 14%, driven by acquisitions and data growth of over 18%, as Darren highlighted earlier. And then the third thing, think about the areas of economic duress or the appetite for efficiency related to the economic duress. Maher Yaghi -- Desjardins Securities -- Analyst. Thanks so much, Darren. The entrepreneurial spirit in Alberta is very alive and Albertans are demonstrating a stronger desire to reopen the economy post-COVID, relative even to other provinces. Additionally, data overages declined as restrictions were put into place, and we also saw significant increases though in voice and SMS traffic. As I said earlier, as it relates to virtual care, telehealth, if you will, it is hyperscaling. And we got to make sure that we leave no one behind in our digital economy and digital society. TI is a big server of the games vertical around the world. This puts us in an enviable position to not only manage the current period of uncertainty but to continue to grow our business adeptly and to prosper in the post COVID-19 environment as we put some of our tuition value to work. So it's not a question of doability or affordability. And I think it's emblematic as it relates to the quality of technology and infrastructure in our country, and it's terrific to have that third-party validation from J.D. Let me briefly direct your attention to Slide 2. So part of the reason we can't give full guidance now is the assumption around roaming. Darren Entwistle, President and Chief Executive Officer. We continue to drive near-term and sustainable efficiencies to help mitigate the impacts related to the current crisis as well as position us well into the future, and contribute to driving our free cash flow toward our original expectation for 2020. But we'll be there through thick and thin, and we're putting our money where our mouth is in terms of the elevated investment that Zainul referred to in her overall commitment to the province and its people. And that teleworking would only be possible with the incredible broadband technology that we've got pervasively across this country. TELUS achieved year-over-year wireless EBITDA growth of 2.6% with higher network revenue, equipment margins as well as cost efficiency savings, partly offset by the impacts of the pandemic that I just discussed. ET. Total subscriber net additions were 70,000, up a healthy 10,000 over Q1 2019. With that, let me now turn the call over to you, Darren. As Jim detailed, we've seen a slowdown in subscriber activity for our wireless business that we expect will continue, while physical distancing measures are in place and as business resumes in stages across the country. And then lastly, on TI, I think there's some really exciting attributes. Great. This was offset by a significant reduction in churn as customers' usual activity of switching between carriers decreased. François Gratton, Executive Vice-President, Group President, TELUS and Chair, TELUS Québec Stock Advisor launched in February of 2002. Our wireline business continues to display strength during the pandemic, as Zainul outlined. We also continue to see tremendous adoption of our home health monitoring solution, which incorporates the COVID-19 protocol into the software, enabling hundreds of patients to be monitored by our acute care system. I'm not sure that's appropriate. We didn't sign up for blue skies all the time in Alberta. This article represents the opinion of the writer, who may disagree with the “official” recommendation position of a Motley Fool premium advisory service. Our first quarter 2020 results news release, MD&A and financial statements and detailed supplemental information were posted on our website this morning at So that distance learning, distance-based healthcare and I talked a lot about virtual care, are not just artifacts of the pandemic, but they're the new FMO for our society in terms of how we learn, how we take care of our health and how we're productive as human beings and businesses within that particular environment. First quarter (2021) investor call TELUS International is expecting to host an investor call to discuss 2021 first quarter results on or about May 7. Jim, over to you. Telus Corp Q4 2019 Earnings Call Feb 13, 2020, 12:00 p.m. I think offsetting that, we are seeing some positive trends as well. And second question, just quickly on your wireless business. This growth was driven by continued customer growth in high-speed internet and TV, which came in at 26,000 and 8,000 net additions, respectively. 2020 Report on Sustainability. Simon, it's not the situation it was 20 years ago. So the bottom line that I would say is that it's not new to have significant competitive intensity in our environment. Our second quarter 2020 investor conference call was webcast live from this site on Friday, July 31, 2020. As Darren outlined, we continue to offer our clients exceptional client experiences over a world-leading network. As such, we're hopeful that conditions will permit us to meet or indeed exceed our targeted dividend increase when we report our third quarter results in early November and look to carry on with our well-established dividend growth model. Explore bondholder services. Telus stock: 2020 results show resiliency and strength Telus stock did not react much yesterday after the Q4 earnings report. The decline in equipment revenue was largely a result of fewer handset sales in the final weeks of March, due to reduced shopping activity. While we are looking closely -- working closely with our customers during this period to offer additional flexibility on payments, we do expect to see a slight increase in bad debt expense and have increased our collectibility provisions in the quarter by approximately CAD10 million. So, there is a huge upside there to be realized. It sounds like you are looking to achieve or try to hit the free cash flow guidance for the year. And we got an exposure to 10 incremental countries as a result of the purchase of Competence Call Centers. Upcoming Financial Results. So I think that's kind of our thinking in this particular space, and we're going to back it up with our investments, such as our belief in the prospects for the future and what we can do to leverage tuition value out of COVID. Looking at TELUS International, our team responded swiftly and thoughtfully as a number of our service delivery centers closed in response to various government decisions and ensuing announcements. And I think the opportunity to expand RGUs and to expand and develop new revenue streams over that fibre and 5G connection is absolutely huge in that regard. Investor Relations. Our flexible work-from-home capabilities really helped our ability to redeploy people between channels and importantly, support our customers. So, I actually think it's going to be net accretive at the end of the day when people see the resiliency of that business. They met their Q1 goal against the business plan, upon which we predicated the investment in the first place. Overall, we remain confident in the outlook of our business and the significant opportunities in front of us to execute our growth strategy, both during and beyond the pandemic. 06/02/21 1:15 PM PDT May Sales Results. But there have been other verticals where we've experienced disproportionate growth, again, because of the byproducts of COVID-19. Next question comes from Maher Yaghi from Desjardins Securities. And then lastly, you've got to remember one of the value propositions of our industry is that not only do we offer technology for growth purposes, we offer technology for efficiency purposes. With respect to the revenues from our business customers, although we did not see a material impact in the first quarter, we expect lower contribution from small and medium-sized businesses going forward as some of their businesses were required to close or reduce their operation. Company Participants. Robert Mitchell - Investor Relations. We just didn't think as a Board that it was the right thing to do within the context of the current environment. According to an independent global study, examining the impact of recent work-from-home measures, Canadians have recorded a 170% increase in remote work since emergency measures began taking effect, contributing to an overall increase in productivity of some 25%. We entered the pandemic with a position of strength, which enabled us to deliver strong financial and operational results to start the year. Telus says the 61,000 additions were “high-quality,” comprised entirely of “higher-value postpaid customers.” So, that's been another upside, as well as the e-commerce component as people are looking to self-serve, to transact within the online worlds and companies that are providing or providing extensibility into e-commerce, have all been upsides for TI, that they've been able to cease to try and offset that dilution in some of the more obvious areas impacted by COVID. Meanwhile, ADT by TELUS enables us to bundle our services nationally. But I wanted to ask you how the pandemic has affected your TI business in the short term, as well as if it has affected your plans to surface value from that business. And the singular reason that we're taking IPO public or taking TI public is to effect a transaction currency. The economic and operational attributes of clients in Alberta are very attractive for this organization and our business has performed well in terms of being countercyclical, which, I think you would expect in terms of an essential service and the criticality of mobile services, Internet services, health services and the like. We could have said, we'll give you an update on Q2. So for example, the increase in voice usage is in turn driving step-ups to unlimited talk and text plans in Kudo. Wondering if we can just unpack that a little bit and give us your assumptions regarding capex for the year and also maybe the subsidies -- lower subsidies spending for this year. Firstly, as it relates to TI, we are still on the path and quite intentional as it relates to taking that business public within 12 months to 24 months time. Our robust and consistent performance over the longer term, including strong Q1 financial and operating results, coupled with the strength of our balance sheet and financial liquidity positions us well to navigate the uncertainty caused by the global health crisis and importantly, for the anticipated market opportunities thereafter. However, to support our customer base that have not already moved to unlimited data plans, we have waived Internet over usage charges through to June 30. And they are up and running and doing great things. This is a business that we intend to control. And how you see, not during the crisis, but a year or more down the road, how you see that net impact on TELUS' business given you'll have, maybe less people in offices or fewer business lines but more residential connectivity, perhaps? I think the future is very bright in this particular space, to say the least. Thanks, Darren. And I think the opportunity there for both us and to enable this for businesses and their employees is extremely significant. So it's not about, as I said, the monetization or cash consideration, but it's about establishing a transaction currency that can be used in service due to the growth strategy. Telus said it plans on delivering flat EBITDA growth for the year, as opposed to its guidance at the beginning of 2020 which called for seven or eight per cent growth. Moreover, TELUS' wireline broadband network has performed exceedingly well through the COVID-19 period. First, just a clarification on the numbers in terms of the outlook, probably for Doug. The travel vertical that we focus on and the clients that we have within that is one case in point. And the fact that on the EMR front, enabling video consultations between doctors and their patients, we only launched that capability a few weeks ago and already we are between 25% and 30% penetration of our 26,000 physicians within the EMR base after effectively a month. Contents: Prepared Remarks; Questions and Answers; Call Participants; Prepared … View our corporate policies. Our team members are committed to keeping our customers and our communities connected, working remotely, safe, healthy, educated and entertained. On our call today, we have Darren Entwistle, President and CEO; Doug French, Executive Vice President and CFO; Zainul Mawji, President, Home Solutions; and Jim Senko, President, Mobility solutions. Investor Relations Ian McMillan (604) 695-4539 [email protected]. And our TELUS team in Alberta has been no exception to that. Darren Entwistle -- President and Chief Executive Officer. Shouldn't that be our number one goal at the moment to support our country, to support our vulnerable citizens, to support our front-line, health-care workers, to support our kids get educated, to support our businesses, weather the duress. Our team delivered strong first quarter customer growth of 106,000 client net additions, up 12,000 over the same period last year, reflecting continued broadband network leadership and customer service excellence, and these are industry-leading results. During Telus’ call with investors following the earnings release, the carrier outlined that due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it doesn’t expect roaming revenue to return to normal until 2022. This will be a legacy of the current health crisis and one which TELUS is extraordinarily well positioned to lead. Zainul, you might want to comment on Alberta. These results were strengthened by our digital capabilities and our innovations in virtual and do-it-yourself installations. Press Release Form 10-K GAAP/Non-GAAP Reconciliation Prepared Management Remarks Webcast – Investors Q&A Transcript – Investors Q&A. A trained operator can assess the situation and contact loved ones and/or alert emergency personnel to dispatch help right away wherever and whenever they need it, again, putting our most vulnerable citizens, not just at the forefront of our hearts and minds, but in terms of leveraging our technology to take care of them. TELUS' continued investments in superior networks, product diversification and digital capabilities, coupled with our long-standing culture of customers first will position us well through 2020 and beyond. As we navigate the current health crisis and continue to expand our innovative health technology and services across the country, our virtual care offerings have never been more important to Canadians. Listen to Webcast. Thanks, Darren. Our first quarter 2020 investor conference call was webcast live from this site on Thursday, May 7, 2020. Firstly, it's deeply synergistic with security. It's hard to believe how fast time goes to think that we're only merely a few months away from our fiber footprint, covering 80% of our original broadband topology. Thank you for fitting me in. We felt the impacts of the health emergency in mid-March as gross loading started to slow down. We kept 10% of our stores open to provide essential services through a touchless, in-store experience and ensured adherence to incredibly strong safety protocols. Thank you for taking my question. Telus (TU) delivered earnings and revenue surprises of -12.50% and 3.51%, respectively, for the quarter ended September 2020. As Zainul highlighted, though, we also expect churn to remain low for most or all of our wireline products. TELUS CORP Q3 2020 Earnings Call Nov 7, 2020, 8:00 p.m. Notably, our long-term debt average term to maturity is 12.3 years, and our weighted average cost of long-term debt is only 3.92%. Over a short period of time, it has enabled 85% of its workforce safely from work or a modified work location. And at that time, we'll either meet the target in terms of the dividend growth model or we'll exceed the target, i.e., we'll do a catch-up for what we missed out on in Q1. View our certificate of incorporation, certificate of name change and corporation articles. And TELUS is tantamount to this, is thinking, first and foremost, about keeping their employees safe. Mike, we have time for one last question, please. Contents: Prepared Remarks; Questions and Answers; Call Participants; Prepared … We are pleased to share with you our 2020 Report on Sustainability so you can see our continued progress toward meeting today’s energy needs while safely, reliably and economically finding responsible solutions for our energy future. And they're going to see it in terms of our investment commitment to the province, as it relates to fibre 5G, as it relates to health and AgTech as Zainul articulated.

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