good reason to possess a firearm

Good Reason to Possess a Firearm1. Good people, bad people, light and dark, well, you get the idea. AZ Gunowner. This Appendix sets out -- the issues that the Chief Constable will wish to consider in assessing "good reason" in individual cases as he is required to do by Articles 5, 9 and 11; and- advice on the more common good reasons that the Chief Constable would accept for the possession of particular firearms and ammunition.2. Handguns are prohibited weapons and require special permission. Firearm Protection. Under Section 12 of the Firearms Act, a person must have a genuine reason for having a firearm. The one I am going to talk about here are the FBI aggravated assault statistics for 2015. Contact Shooting Range Industries for more information about our custom modular shooting ranges today! © 2021, Why bother documenting a private sale of a firearm? In the majority of states, however, it is currently perfectly legal for a citizen to possess a silencer (suppressor), machine gun (made before 1986), short barreled rifle, short barreled shotgun, or an “any other weapon” as long as the federal requirements were met. Good reason will need to be demonstrated for each firearm sought and for their continued possession…Quarry shooting, including shooting pest species and other shooting over land…Shooting small quarry species, including game and pests…Foxes…Deer…Overseas use…Humane Killing of Animals…Slaughtering…Target shooting…Collection of firearms…Trophies of War…Signalling apparatus…Controlling Races…Historical re-enactment…Theatre cinema and television…Treating animals…Component parts…Sound moderators…Personal protection weapons64. This heightened awareness helps me avoid danger. 5. Carrying a firearm has always made me more attentive to my environment and situations around me, especially as my holster is secure with a no-print design. The Chief Constable will also consider whether alternative personal security measures are available to the applicant that would obviate or reduce the risk to and provide adequate protection for him, including application for admission to the Key Persons Protection Scheme (KPPS), Special Purchase of Evacuated Dwellings (SPED) Scheme etc. Because Shooting Is An Olympic Sport. The Chief Constable considers that generally it is not in the wider interests of public safety for members of the public to have firearms for personal protection. 1 A person who has in his possession, purchases or acquires a firearm or ammunition without holding a firearm certificate for it shall be guilty of an offence, unless he does so in accordance with other provisions of the Order. We are sure you knew this one was coming. Legally recognized reason for wanting a firearm: because I can’t afford an armed private security detail 24/7 like the politicians who think I shouldn’t have a firearm. To clarify the definition, here is how the FBI defines aggravated assault: They break these assaults into different categories and are listed by state. We are simply advocating the freedom to choose. 2. ‘good reason’ . The acquisition of a firearm certificate, with the attendant privileges and responsibilities, should generally involve a genuine intent to acquire the firearm concerned and to use it regularly. If someone who has the intentions of causing you or a loved one harm in any fashion, no matter their weapon of choice, folks have every right to own a firearm to safeguard them, their loved ones, their homes, or the innocent. The concept of the need to possess a firearm does not feature in firearms legislation. 4) Good reason Good reason must be genuine and substantial. When brave and courageous folks choose this particular line of work, they are often put in circumstance with people of cruel intent on the professionals themselves or innocent civilians. A firearm is "a lethal barrelled weapon of any description from which any shot, bullet or other missile can be discharged" (section 57 (1) Firearms Act 1968), it includes: 1. any prohibited weapon (see belowin this guidance section 5 Firearms Act 1968), whether it is such a lethal weapon as aforesaid or not; and 2. any component part of such a lethal or prohibited weapon; and 3. any accessory to any such weapon designed or adapted to diminish the noise or flash caused by firing the weapon. For those that choose to own a gun, it is with good interest that you practice using it. When utilizing a gun for these events, it becomes a necessary tool or accessory in the recreation that appeals to you. Owning a specific gun or various guns contribute to the field you are engaging in and are necessary to have to be included in such activities. This matters if the firearm you buy or sell was previously used in a crime, or is later used in a crime. The main law is from the late 1960s, but it was amended to restrict gun ownership further in the latter part of the twentieth century in response to massacres that involved lawfully licensed weapons. This topic is a sensitive one, and currently a popular argument. The police will make reasonable inquiries to verify the applicant's good reason for the possession of firearms. Keeping our government in check can protect future generations from tyranny. The management of certificate holders is recorded on RMS through the use of a Z Management occurrence, with one of these being used for each holder. The guiding principle behind the requirement to have a “good reason” to possess, purchase or acquire firearms or ammunition, is that firearms are dangerous weapons and the state has a duty to protect the public from their … There are also firearm restrictions for assault weapons like machine guns and semi-automatic firearms. We are not proclaiming that everyone should get a gun. This applies to the grant, renewal or variation of a firearm certificate. The gun statutes prohibit the possession, manufacture, and purchase of these firearms except for law enforcement officers, members of the military, and those with appropriate licenses to possess them. The protection of persons or property is not a genuine reason. In considering whether an applicant has a good reason for a firearm certificate for a personal protection weapon (normally a handgun) the Chief Constable must be satisfied that there is a real and immediate risk to his life from terrorists. What is a good reason to own a firearm? Because Many Americans Own Guns. This guidance is not exhaustive and the Chief Constable may encounter cases not covered here but where he may properly judge that good reason is proven. To obtain a firearm license in North Macedonia one must be at least 18 years old, able-bodied, healthy, not representing danger to public order, have permanent residency, possess technical knowledge of weapons and regulations related to them and have a justified reason for acquiring the weapon. You should only own a firearm if you are comfortable with them, are disciplined in safety protocols and within your state and federal laws. gun violence, small arms policy and firearm-related injury around the world. The firearm is accurate, so I will know where each shot will go. Great Britain has some of the most stringent gun control laws in the world. Not everyone who owns a gun desires to have it in order to take a human beings life. On the other hand, a simple wish to own a particular sort of firearm is not in itself good reason without further supporting evidence of intention. Think about that for a minute. Police officers, military personal, branches of law enforcement agencies and security personnel are all examples of professionals who are in need of firearms. Apart from having a good reason in principle, an applicant's reasons for owning firearms should be genuine and substantial. But what it boils down to, is the freedom to own a firearm or not to own one. Further, even if the person does not know or have reason to believe, it is still illegal under Federal law for you to purchase (receive or possess) a firearm under 18 U.S. Code 922(d) as explained above. Section 1: Firearm Only 21. Point a firearm, antique firearm or airgun, whether or not it is loaded or capable of being discharged, without good reason to do so. Further, it will show when you actually owned or possessed the firearm. He must judge each case on its own merits, being mindful of the need for consistent administration of the Order, the need to provide fair and equitable treatment to all applicants and the wider interests of public safety.4.

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