causes of informal settlements

The Ekurhuleni Metropolitan economy is larger and more diverse than those of many of the smaller countries in Africa and accounts for nearly a quarter of the Gauteng economy. Of the 122 informal settlements within its urban fabric, 20% are upgradable and 80% which accommodates more than 400 000 of its residents has not been targeted for redevelopment, given that there is inadequate resource availability (Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality – IDP & SDBIP 2015). (2012:207) that from the mid-1990s, South Africa’s economic policies were firmly framed within a neo-liberal paradigm, which as critics (Bond 2002; Bradley 2003; Datt 2002; Dyantyi 2007; Habitat & ILO 1995; Harvey 2000; Khan & Thring 2003; Knight 2002) point out is characterised by the expansion of opportunities and options for private capital accumulation. © 2008-2021 ResearchGate GmbH. is struggling to address the existence of bottlenecks in ensuring housing provision and the apparently cumulative demand of 2012:150). The paper recommends use of quality building materials and technicians/artisans, improvement of surface water drainage and training of residents on the effects of climate change and variability. ANC, 1994, Reconstruction and development programme (RDP) – A policy framework, Umanyano Publications, Johannesburg. Ekurhuleni communities are, Control is strongly linked to accountability (Craythorne, (1995:558), control is the process of ensuring that actual, activities conform to planned activities. At present, millions of South Africans face severe problems in accessing even the most basic services and according to Sokupa (2009:1), many of these ultimately become matters of life and death, particularly with regard to issues of housing. the poor, the majority of whom live in informal shelters. The homeless and the inadequately housed are numerous across the planet (PADCO 2006). In, the period after 1960, the lack of affordable industrial space, in Johannesburg, the country’s largest city, many companies wishing to expand their operations during, the boom times were forced to relocate to areas outside, in Ekurhuleni, especially in the industrial areas of Kempton, Park, Germiston and Alberton (Bonner et al. Like many other countries in the world, South Africa faces a growing challenge in providing all citizens with access to suitable housing. Carter, R., 1990, Urban and rural settlements, Longman Group UK Limited, England. Practical implications Unavailability of land is the biggest housing delivery constraint in EMM because of dolomite and shallow undermining (Dyantyi 2007:80). Barry, M., 2003, ‘Peri-urban tenure management in South Africa’, Marrakeck 2(5), pp. As a result, with time, conditions improve within the settlements. There are large vacant land parcels in the mining belt around the urban core which cause Ekurhuleni’s spatial distribution to be fragmented. In this process a particular society shifts from being largely bound to the country to being bound by the city. Eddy (2010:3) agrees that the phenomenon of territorial human mobility continued to place a greater strain on services which led to higher proportions of people living in informal settlements. 2010:214). Uncategorized. The Housing Development Agency, 2013, Informal settlements status, Government Printers, Pretoria. Inadequate housing can be, manifested in many forms which may appear individually or, in combination and may be regarded locally as a problem or, may not be (Harvey 2000:28). & Coulter. leading to continued sprouting of informal settlements. This is confirmed by City of Ekurhuleni Annual Report (2011/12:189) which states that a total surface area of the EMM area of jurisdiction is underlain by dolomite land that needs to be managed, controlled and developed in accordance with current legislation to prevent the formation of sinkholes and substances that can have a detrimental impact on infrastructure and human life. The crisis of housing, delivery and other basic services is actually a result of the, pro-market (growth-oriented) policies adopted by the South, African government since 1994, a primary goal of which was, to reduce inflation and government spending to below 4, the gross domestic product, thereby limiting the amount of, money the government could spend on social needs including, housing (Bradley 2003:85). This was corroborated by Malpass (1990:5) in his view that the apartheid state’s lack of investment in housing created an unprecedented housing shortage and resulted in the proliferation of squatter camps. Cloete, F., 1995, Local government transformation in South Africa, J.L. 2007, ‘Property inequality – Entry denied’. They are oen situated in geogr, dwellings that have inadequate light, air, for family privacy; that are subject to re haz, their illegal or semi-legal status, infrastructur, structures not approved by a local authority and not intended as a permanent dwelling) (The housing dev, One shack or more constructed on land, with or without the consent of the owner of the land or the person in charge of the land. In agreement with the foregoing, Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality – IDP & SDBIP (2015) states that the current housing backlog (144 000) and the housing solution (one house per stand) targeting poor families is constrained by land unavailability because most of the City’s land is on dolomite, some undermined and others with serious natural and environmental constraints. With its population rocketing from 1 billion in 2015 to between 3.5 billion and 5 billion in 2100 (Carrington 2015; University of Dublin, Trinity College 2015), African cities will have to accommodate more than 300 million new residents by 2030 (Masilela 2012). Harrison, B., 2013, ‘No hope for Ekurhuleni’s housing backlog’, Germiston City News, 18 July. Others aggravate the situation, by involving themselves in corrupt activities that enrich, themselves (Nathan 2013) at the expense of the metropolitan, According to Cloete and Mokgoro (1995:137), corruption is a, particularly viral form of organisational cancer which, once it, enters the life stream of a public agency. At the centre of the informal settlements problem, is the housing problem which is caused by drastic shortage of housing. There are a number of definitions that are attached to informal settlements. officials through ward councillors and community leaders should Corruption has become widespread, particularly in the granting of housing subsidies, the selection of building contractors and allocation of completed RDP houses (Jeffery 2010:354). The backlog is ever-swelling and EMM is struggling to cope with the severe housing shortages which can be likened to chasing a moving target. MAJOR CAUSES OF THE INFORMAL SETTLEMENTS (continue……) 3. (Craythorne 1993:263). The data is presented in the form of five discrete national case-studies. Inhabitants who live in these unplanned housing units are often exposed to health risks associated with environmental problems. Ekurhuleni communities are suffering as a result of this. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, This article is a follow-up to the previously published work: ‘Obstacles to housing delivery in Ekhurhuleni Metropolitan, The author declares that he has no financial or personal, relationships which may have inappropriately influenced, Engineering and Environmental Geologists Journal, Ademiluyi, I. As a result, a number of studies are titled 'causes of informal settlements' (see, for instance, Ali & Sulaiman, 2006;UNECE, 2009;UN Habitat, 2015;Masimba, 2016;Sakala, 2016; ... As rural municipalities seek to ensure excellence in public service delivery, numerous impediments are encountered in terms of revenue collection. Innes, Kentridge and Perold (1992:171) maintain that the increased mobility of informal dwellers and the rapid formation of shanty towns have been facilitated by administrative confusion, institutional restructuring and the absence of clear policy, all of which have left a vacuum in which squatter settlements have been able to flourish. with building regulaons (The housing development agency 2013:7). Department of Housing, 2004, Breaking new ground: A comprehensive plan for the development of sustainable human settlements, Department of Housing, Pretoria. Urbanisation is the change in the proportion of a population living in urban places or areas (Weeks 2012:357) or a social change on a vast scale, which means deep and irrevocable changes that affect all sectors of society (Brutus 2002:3). 69–72. Despite stringent influx, control measures to curb African urbanisation, Ekur, population grew steadily towards the end of apartheid, Ekurhuleni’s dynamic economic development made it, an important destination for work-seekers. Informal settlements currently accommodate more than a quarter of the world's urban population. However despite the, admission, no effective measures are put in place to eradicate, corruption (Jeffery 2010:354). Sokupa, T., 2009, ‘Let us have better coordination of inter-governmental relations’, The Transformer 1(1), p.7. The influx of foreigners (both legal and illegal) into Gauteng, from drought-stricken and strife-torn nations in other parts, of sub-Saharan Africa compounds the problem, with the, majority of them opting to move into EMM as it is the, industrial hub of Gauteng with better job prospects. It is suggested that various guidelines from. The paper also highlights the limitations of relocations not only to urban peripheries but also to other parts of cities, and it underscores the importance of upgrading informal settlements through in situ development. Progress towards Millennium Development Goals? South Africa Survey 2008/9, 2009, Living conditions and communications – Housing, South African Institute of Race Relations, Johannesburg. SOCIO-CULTURAL FACTOR The findings also suggest that the government plays a major contributory role in each of the causes and that the resolution of the crisis in housing delivery has profound implications for future political stability in the urban areas – EMM to be specific. leading social issue in the continuation of sprawling cities. The article further establishes a common and fertile ground for the convergence of the different views and perspectives into variables which, in addition to the present government, include population growth, government economic policies, economic variables, housing shortage, unavailability of land and unaffordability as the real causes of informal settlements in EMM.

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