fragment shared element transition not working
Fragment A is the overview screen, and then when the user clicks on the ‘More’ button, it is replaced with Fragment B which contains the full grid of items. 1 The shared element is a high-resolution image. To enable a shared element transition on fragments, 3 steps: Take note of the transitionName attribute in both the StartActivity and EndActivity. Shared element transition does not work for the first item in a RecyclerView if there is not any padding or margin. Shared element transition doesn't seem to work. It’s a start. The bad news is that content transitions don’t exist prior to Lollipop. However, the support library provides methods that you can In part 1 we learned what Shared Element Transitions are, how they work and a simple example using Activity to Activity.. To work around that we set the listener on the parent instead, which will (probably) be drawn. Here, expert and undiscovered voices alike dive into the heart of any topic and bring new ideas to the surface. This is the first post in a small post series where I explore how to get transitions working nicely with fragments. Fragments cannot live on their own--they must be hosted by an activity or another fragment. Explore, If you have a story to tell, knowledge to share, or a perspective to offer — welcome home. Activity and Fragment transitions in Lollipop are built on top of a relatively new feature in Android called Transitions. It’s easy and free to post your thinking on any topic. Although the above list is by no mean enough to conclude Android apps’ pattern to deal with transitions in such cases, it at least shows some opinion. The transition consists of two shared elements: an ImageView and its parent CardView.During the transition, the ImageView seamlessly animates between the two activities while the CardView gradually expands/contracts into place.. Note: Some Android Jetpack libraries, such as Navigation , BottomNavigationView , and ViewPager2 , are designed to work with fragments. As an example, lets take a movie list app with two screens. Plaid (not really an app but a great demo of material design on Android): no reverse shared element transition even after orientation change (as of the time of writing). In this case, the view that needs to be resumed contains a nested RecyclerView within the main RecyclerView. Shared element transitions are part of the Transition Framework. Specifically around having to postpone transitions until your views are ready (laid out, data loaded, etc). At this point I remembered something which my colleague, Nick Butcher, had mentioned to me in the past while he was writing transitions for Plaid. Shared element transitions do not work when adding fragments, even to the same container. Learn more, Follow the writers, publications, and topics that matter to you, and you’ll see them on your homepage and in your inbox. We can easily clear this by resetting the exitTransition when the shared element transition is finished. If you do the transition on just the image, the card already be at its final position at the start of the transition. Sử dụng Shared Elements Transition với Fragment cũng tương tự như với Activity. Shared element transitions are powerful, but can be tricky when dealing with elements that need to be loaded before we can transition to them. It is also where the Shared Element Transitions take place. This is fixed by setting a separate fade-in/out transition on the individual fragments: However, these transitions persist past this fragment transaction. The transition may simply not work as expected when views at the target fragment are not laid out and ready. You cannot do shared element transitions with fragments in another container. In this example, all window transitions are explode and there is a shared element transition between the first activity and a fragment contained in the second activity. Therefore the nested RecyclerView needs to be restored to it’s previous state before the transition is started. The change you’re seeing above is a fragment replacement. So the final piece of the puzzle here was… waiting. Postponing the transition will only work when you add setReoderingAllowed(true) to your fragment transition (see Android docs and the Reordering part of this blog post by Chris Banes for more context.). So off I went and added postponing and starting to my fragments: We have to do this for both the entering and exiting fragments so that both the enter (click) and the exit (back button) work as expected. Shared element transitions are powerful, but can be tricky when dealing with elements that need to be loaded before we can transition to them. First screen contains a … 3. Before I managed to get to that point though, I was stuck on getting any transition to work. Step 4: Start an activity with a shared element. In part 2 we're going to learn a little more on how they should be used and then do a Fragment to Fragment example.. In the sample project, available on github, we implement two activities, StartActivity and EndActivity. At least the transitions were running some of the time now though. Để share nhiều element sử dụng đối tượng Pair. In part 4 we're going to look at implementing them with RecyclerView, a popular use case with apps that have Shared Element Transitions.An example of this is Google Play Music, which i mentioned in part 1, but there are plenty more out there. When the content of the transition needs to be loaded before the transition can start, we need to use postponeEnterTransition(). To add a dependency on Fragment, you must add the Google Maven repository to yourproject. The problem I have with fragment transitions is the inability to delay the transition, similar to activity transitions. Shared element transitions do not work when adding fragments, even to the same container. The fragment’s view hierarchy becomes part of, or attaches to , the host’s view hierarchy. Kết quả. The next post will look at getting window insets working with fragment transitions. If you look back at our postpone calls, we’re actually starting the postponed transition as soon as the data has loaded. Note: When using shared elements transitions, you should not use the Animation Framework (enterAnim, exitAnim, and so on from the previous section). We need two fragments for shared element transition to take place. Here is the commit on my fork that demonstrates this behavior 5503970. If you’re wondering where the doOnPreDraw method has come from, it is from android-ktx. Guidelines. The framework is built around two key concepts: scenes and transitions. Then there is a sliding transition between 2 fragments with a shared element transition. Fragment transition with shared element supporting API 14+ example/tutorial. I have good news and bad news. Write on Medium, supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction(), override fun onViewCreated(view: View, icicle: Bundle?) Android Shared Element Transition between two Fragments Example In this example, one of two different ImageViews should be translated from the ChooserFragment to the DetailFragment . I cheated a bit here and reached out to Mr Activity-Fragment-Transitions, George Mount, from the Android team. This is important because the shared element transition will not be able to determine the correct positions of the views until then. Introduced in KitKat, the transition framework provides a convenient API for animating between different UI states in an application. I’ll cover that in a later post. In this case I used a ChangedBounds to get started since the views were just moving from point A ➡️ B and changing size. Doing the transition on just the CardView won’t dynamically scale the image during the transition. The transition may simply not work as expected when views at the target fragment are not laid out and ready. Now, this can be achieved using Shared Element Transitions; but here is the catch. When the type of data significantly changes (for instance, drilling down into the details of a single item) I start an activity. The shared element needs to be in view in both fragments when the transition takes place. Well that is because your view may not actually be drawn, therefore the listener would never fire and the transaction would sit there postponed forever. Shared elements. Create destination fragments. ✨⚡. Tested in a motorola device with android 5.0. In part 3 of the series we looked at how to implement Shared Element Transitions when using Picasso or Glide.. There are a few things that should be kept in mind when using Shared Element Transitions. Whereas part 1 only briefly introduced the subject, this blog post aims … So create two blank fragments with names as follows and leave them empty for now: ListFragment.kt with fragment_list.xml Default Activity Transition: However, many times, there are elements common to both activities and providing the ability to transition these shared elements separately emphasizes continuity between transitions and breaks activity boundaries … However, using .replace() means that the fragment to which we need to return has been destroyed and needs to be recreated through the fragment lifecycle. // The current fragment transition should only be applied for this transition and be removed afterwards, Comparing Build Performance between JDKs in Android Studio, Introducing Kotlin Multiplatform incrementally. The naming of these functions is really confusing but they work exactly the same for return transitions. In this case the shared elements were the square images containing posters: supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction() .replace(, fragment) .addToBackStack(null) .apply { for (view in sharedElements) { addSharedElement(view) } } .commit() And then I set a shared element transition on the entering fragment (Fragment B). The StartActivity has an ImageView, a Button and a TextView saved in res/layout/activity_start.xml. I import the "Motion" sample as it and My tried with "Navigation --> Shared Element" will crash on emulator v16 with the following trace: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: FragmentContainerView does not support Layout Transitions or animateLayoutChanges="true". You might be wondering why this does not look like the tweet I included above. And then I set a shared element transition on the entering fragment (Fragment B). In the app I’m using fragment changes for non-boundary changes, so things like expanding data sets and bottom navigation events. Video 3.1 illustrates how shared element transitions are used in the Google Play Music app. Short video showing 2 shared elements being animated between 2 Fragments onItemClick. Add the dependencies for the artifacts you need in the build.gradlefile foryour app or module: For more information about dependencies, see Add build dependencies. Luckily this is pretty simple to do (but easily forgotten): After that the enter transition occasionally worked, but most of the time I just got a crossfade. Spurred on with the fact that my transition was at least running sometimes, I started debugging. Traditionally transitions between different activities or fragments involved enter and exit transitions that animated entire view hierarchies independent to each other. If you’re using Kotlin in your app, make sure to check it out. Read Google's Maven repositoryfor more information. If the exitTransition of the fragment is not reset, a fade will be shown when returning to this fragment from other fragments, even if no specific animation is specified. In this project, there are two areas where a loading time affects the shared element transition: startPostponedEnterTransition should be called when the shared element on the restored fragment is fully rendered. Bạn có start activity với một hoặc nhiều shared element. ... (without fresco) of fragment-to-fragment transition that helped me to start on something that worked (you can downloads the project code on github) Shared element transition doesn't seem to work. Shared Elements Transition với Fragment. 3. Thus, if the shared element lives inside the Fragment ’s view hierarchy and the FragmentTransaction is not executed quickly enough, it is possible that the framework will start the shared element transition before the shared element is properly measured and laid out on the screen. This attribute is used to guide track shared elements betw… Fragment Shared Element Transitions Make sure that you are importing androidx.transition, do NOT import android.transition components, mixing different import packages causes Wrong Transition Exception exitTransition, enterTransition, returnTransition and reEnterTransitions are … {, // Data is loaded so we’re ready to start our transition, How to check internet connection on Android “Q”, The tectonic shift in android app architecture (Single Activity Model), Casting custom content from Android app to TV (2020 approach). A scene defines a given state of an application’s UI, whereas a transition The Destination Fragment The layout of the destination fragment has the same attributes added – the transitionName for both the card and textView widgets, and a transitionGroup on the card. Using setCustomAnimations(android.R.anim.fade_in, android.R.anim.fade_out) to add the fragment fade-in/out animation causes a subtle flicker on the shared element whenever the shared element transition is finished. My existing fragment transaction code looked like this: So I looked up the transition APIs and added some shared elements. Nov 30, 2017 / Fragments; Now (27.0.0 support library) fragment can use support library versions of Transition for fragment transitions, including shared-element transitions. I deduced that the times which the transition did run, the views had been laid out (isLaidOut == true) and drawn already. Shared element transition is a nice way of adding animation between activity transition. Instead, you should be using only the Transition Framework for setting your enter and exit transitions. Shared elements transitions were introduced in Android 5.0 to make view transitions across screens more seamless and easy to implement. I have reproduced this with a simple RecyclerView and a Details page in a sample project too. In part 1 I mentioned that Shared Element Transitions take part in the windows ViewOverlay.This ViewOverlay sits on top of everything including the status bar and the navigation bar. Example of such transitions are a fade transition, slide transition or the newly introduced explode transition. Using the onSavedInstanceState() and onRestoreInstanceState() methods of the nested RecyclerView, the state needs to be manually restored. It turns out that you have to enable reordering fragment transactions for postponed fragment transitions to work. In this case the shared elements were the square images containing posters: And then I set a shared element transition on the entering fragment (Fragment B). At this point I optimistically expected it to just work, but I actually got this: So it did not work at all on the enter, but worked fine on the return transition. The EndActivity has two ImageViews and an EditText, and is saved in res/layout/activity_end.xml. This is done automatically when we use .add() to add the view because that means the view will remain in memory. This transition effect is available only on devices running on Lollipop (Android 5.0 – API level 21) and higher. We need to give the views a chance to be updated, laid out, and more importantly, drawn before we start the transition. You may wonder why we set the OnPreDrawListener on the parent rather than the view itself. He pointed out what I needed to do to get it working: reordering. If you're transitioning to and from a complicated fragment, containing a recyclerview or something, I've found that the transition will sometimes fail, stutter, or otherwise appear janky. In this project, there are two areas where a loading time affects the shared element transition: Enable reordering allowed when postponing transitions When the content of the transition needs to be loaded before the transition can start, we need to use postponeEnterTransition (). A couple of months ago I showed a grid to grid transition from an app I’m building called Tivi. The official Android Developers publication on Medium, Medium is an open platform where 170 million readers come to find insightful and dynamic thinking. First fragment has RecyclerView list data and Second fragment has detail for each item from the list. This post is all about getting them running.
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